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April Fools Day - Planning any Pranks? Any favourites.

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I put some food colouring in my roommate's milk carton. Be interesting when they pour green milk on their cereal (which they eat every morning).


Read about the worst April Fools Day Pranks:


Worst Top 10



If you are planning a prank, remember, keep it safe and harmless. And don't be too cruel.

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I got punked today........yup.....showed up at work........that was a joke all in itself

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I got punked today........yup.....showed up at work........that was a joke all in itself


Fuck, I got punked the same way!

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I got punked today........yup.....showed up at work........that was a joke all in itself

April fool dude, BTW you are not getting paid for today anyways. ha ha:lol:

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I told everyone that I was expecting... :lol: on facebook that is


I posted on a bunch of my friends' facebook wall "I'm pregnant, its your's"


but I only posted it on female-friends walls, lol

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I posted on a bunch of my friends' facebook wall "I'm pregnant, its your's"


but I only posted it on female-friends walls, lol


People really thought I was:lol: ahhh that I was like suckassssssssss gotcha!

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C'mon give them up people of CERB.


There's got to me more you pranksters out thre! I didn't think we were that boring.


Appears that the roommate poured the rest of the green milk down the sink...(it wasn't a full carton to begin with).


The joke was on me - I had no milk for my cereal!



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C'mon give them up people of CERB.


There's got to me more you pranksters out thre! I didn't think we were that boring.


Appears that the roommate poured the rest of the green milk down the sink...(it wasn't a full carton to begin with).


The joke was on me - I had no milk for my cereal!




Sorry to say that I live a boring life! People I work with do not take well to pranks!



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Sorry to say that I live a boring life! People I work with do not take well to pranks!




Has anyone ever pulled a prank on you.


Years ago I had a roommate who was a prankster. Heard a scream, ran into her bedroom and there was all this hair stuck to her hairbrush and all over the dresser. She was cowering on the bed with a towel over her head, saying, my hair, my hair, it's fallen out!


Seems she had just gotten a haircut and the hairdresser let her sweep up hair and take it home.


She got me..for about 20 seconds.

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C'mon give them up people of CERB.


There's got to me more you pranksters out thre! I didn't think we were that boring.


Appears that the roommate poured the rest of the green milk down the sink...(it wasn't a full carton to begin with).


The joke was on me - I had no milk for my cereal!



I did a prank on some of my college buddies back in the days. I made a photocopy of a license plate and changed the numbers and letters on it and wrote "I'M GAY" and taped it over their own license plate. ( that was when we began to have writing on plates in Ontario ) On the back side of the paper I wrote April fool and it took awhile before they found out it was me.

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A couple of pranks I've pulled in days gone by:


1. Tied a Rainbow Trout (purchased at the supermarket) to the exhaust manifold of a friend's car just as he was heading out on a long trip.


2. Tied the fuse of a fire-cracker to the internal element of a toaster. When my room-mate was later making toast, his very last slice of bread blew up inside the toaster.

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A couple of pranks I've pulled in days gone by:


1. Tied a Rainbow Trout (purchased at the supermarket) to the exhaust manifold of a friend's car just as he was heading out on a long trip.


2. Tied the fuse of a fire-cracker to the internal element of a toaster. When my room-mate was later making toast, his very last slice of bread blew up inside the toaster.


OMG you are a horrible friend!! Funny but I would hate to see what you do to people you don't like!

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I once lifted the rear end of a foremans` truck with a front-end loader and put enough blocking underneath to raise his wheels about an inch off the ground. He told me it took him about an hour to leave as I had also locked up all the equipment.


Another time one of the guys put two packs of Koolaid in another guys` workboots, one green and one red. After sweating in them for a day the color had gone through his socks, it lasted for days.


On a hunting trip I walked into a field and put my spare blaze orange toque on a mechanical deer, the rangers weren`t happy Yogi.


Shared a hotel with my stepdad on an out of town job, adjoining rooms with a doorway separating them. We had settled in after supper and by accident I found my remote worked his tv also. Every time I changed his channel he would mumble a swear and get up and change it back, after the fifth time he came over and asked if my tv was acting up. With tears in my eyes and trying not to burst into hysterical laughter I said "no not at all, what seems to be the problem?".


One of my aunts wanted to check her lotto tickets and asked if I would read the winning numbers outloud for her. Standing behind her I began reading the numbers off her ticket...

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Shared a hotel with my stepdad on an out of town job, adjoining rooms with a doorway separating them. We had settled in after supper and by accident I found my remote worked his tv also. Every time I changed his channel he would mumble a swear and get up and change it back, after the fifth time he came over and asked if my tv was acting up. With tears in my eyes and trying not to burst into hysterical laughter I said "no not at all, what seems to be the problem?".


:sm185: We played pranks at McDonalds when those watches had remote controls on them. Used to change the channel, and then ask the manger wtf was going on, god that was funny! :lol:

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Okay I think MOD has got us all on this April fool joke...



Wishful thinking - I guess we'll have to wait until tomorrow to tell.


Additional Comments:

I was reading in the Ottawa Sun about a new Internet surfing tax - there was some very peculiar about the article and sure enough - an April Fool's joke.


Read all about it:


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