Jasmine Rain 23126 Report post Posted September 3, 2014 As I slowly put my self, my site, and marketing together for my official launch, I am seriously struggling with determining my rates. I think that is because I am not a full, nor even a part time sex worker. I believe I am slightly a unique breed in this industry, or at least on the very small size of the market base. Standard rules of business would call for calculating expenses, required/desired income level and the divide that by the amount of clients you want to see in a day/week/month to obtain your quota. However, that does not apply to me either. As I sustain my financial independence via my outside business, there is no need to meet a certain quota other then to ensure I cover expenses. I do not want to under value myself. I am not looking for a daily dates, I would be happy sexually with a couple a week, but if I don't see a gentlemen for days, weeks or even months, the only issue I will have is battery replacement in my toys. Sexual experiences for me would ideally be a minimum of 2 hours. I would prefer longer as well as dinner dates or drinks out and dessert in type dates. I have no issue with obtaining a hotel to host from in any city so long as it is worth while. Worth while meaning considerations for my travel time, etc. I don't want to raise rates per location as I would simply prefer a longer date be arranged. I would only book one appointment so the hotel would only be used for that date. This would have to be considered in the expenses aspect as I can not split the expense over multiple client bookings. I would like to offer the following: 2 hour date basically entailing what a standard hour would be, just hopefully more time for MSOG, MPOS, and lots of foreplay 3 hours would be drinks added with more time for companionship and conversation as well as the above 4-5 hour dinner date with "dessert" back at the hotel. Naturally, I just thought $250x2=$500. Seems so simple. However, should I consider something slightly higher to compensate for the individual hotel expense? Should I just offer outcalls? Or only outcalls for 1 hour appointments? I have had a few gentlemen comment on frequency of hour bookings and therefore suggest that I may lose out on many potential clients. However again, a hour really is just not long enough for me. I don't think that will work for what I am looking to get out of being a sex worker. I don't want to under cut my fellow ladies in lust. I don't want to over price myself that I never have sex again. I never thought this would be so difficult. I don't just want to go with what everyone else charges either as I feel there needs to be some personal "ends" that justify the need for the donation amount and that is different for everyone. Ladies, any help would be appreciated. How did you determine your donation amount? Gentlemen, how do rates play into your choice of companion? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest N***he**Ont**y Report post Posted September 3, 2014 I believe this topic should be taken care of by PM with any communication of this sort it should remain private. Ask that they respond by PM to safeguard your privacy. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Phaedrus 209522 Report post Posted September 3, 2014 A few random thoughts... I really don't want to get into telling you how to run your business, but since you've asked... First: you might be better off having this conversation in the SP-only section. I suspect the other ladies here might be more forthcoming there than they would here. Remember that you can change your rates at any time, so if you get it wrong to start with, it's easily fixable. You can always offer a short-term special if you find yourself simultaneously horny as hell and out of batteries, or put your rates up (or just turn people down) if you find yourself overly popular. If you want to nudge people into longer appointments, you can do that with your rates. If you're thinking about $500 for two hours, then if you set your rate for an hour at $300 (or even $400) then you'll give your clients an incentive to book for longer. And if they book the shorter appointment, you have more funds in your pocket to spend on batteries :) I definitely take this sort of thing into consideration when booking, and I'm sure I'm not the only one. Of course, you'd doubtless lose *some* potential clients this way, but I'm not getting the feeling that'd be a big deal for you, unless "some" became "most". If you want to keep your rates the same independent of location, then you may need to keep them high enough that the meeting is still worthwhile when you do have to book a hotel room. Or, possibly, you might find another local lady who's willing to share an incall, or let it out to you on an occasional basis. Rates matter, of course, but they matter a lot more to some people than to others. You'll obviously be out of consideration for some people if you rates are too high for them, but bear in mind you may also put yourself out of consideration for others if your rates are too low. And definitions of "too high" and "too low" will vary enormously. I've decided not to see particular people for both reasons in the past. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jasmine Rain 23126 Report post Posted September 4, 2014 I was not aware of an SP only section. I would have asked there as I would really like to opinions of some of the ladies. Hopefully some can then PM me as suggested. Thanks for the replies. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fortunateone 156618 Report post Posted September 5, 2014 I was not aware of an SP only section. I would have asked there as I would really like to opinions of some of the ladies. Hopefully some can then PM me as suggested. Thanks for the replies. There are some conditions to gaining access, which i cannot really remember but I'm sure someone will pm you with what is needed. It is a good topic for private discussion, but it is also something that comes up from the other end as well, the great rate debate. I can offer one tip: And if the longer sessions appeal the most to you, then you set the sorts of rates that make that very clear to anyone. Which usually means the added hours are at a much much lower rate than the single hour rate. so instead of 2 hours being 500, your 3 hour rate might be 500. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites