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It never fails... but why?

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There are many reasons:

  • looking for a deal (which happens more often than you think especially if snowy day)
  • looking at many ads and forget details
  • distracted by sexy photos
  • confirming rates
  • don't know what to say

I'll confess to all of the above at different stages of my experience in hobbying.

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For the past few years, I have not bothered putting rates on my site. I meant to build a rates page, but just never got around to it. Besides, guys would almost always contact me and ask me what my rates were, even though they were posted.


So for the past couple years, guys have been contacting me saying they couldn't find my rates on my site (true enough, as they weren't there).


Just this week, I got around to making some updates to my site, and I put up a rates page. Very first guy who contacts me asks me what my rate is.


And then the second. And then the next. And so on.




What is it, guys??


It gets worse. I have a live chat support feature installed on my site, and so I can see where people go and what pages they have visited. Very often, they will contact me FROM the rates page to ask me my rates.


Really, this has been going on for decades, and I'm dying to know -- why is it that so many guys insist on asking for information that they already saw on a web site or in an ad??


Oh, and another thing I've always wondered about: why do some guys feel that it would be more discreet to park a block away and walk over? In most of the neighbourhoods I've lived in, I'd never notice a car visiting a neighbour's house -- but if I see someone walking down the street that I don't know, that always gets my attention.


It's been a long day already! Some of my video configs are mangled and Mina puked in my shoe. :(




I just knew you were going to be from Ontario, my friend in Ontario says the exact same thing!


And that whole parking a block away shit always has me LMFAO! :mrgreen:


Additional Comments:

There are many reasons:

  • looking for a deal (which happens more often than you think especially if snowy day)
  • looking at many ads and forget details
  • distracted by sexy photos
  • confirming rates
  • don't know what to say

I'll confess to all of the above at different stages of my experience in hobbying.


In Ontario, weather isn't the issue, economy mind-set are!

Spring, summer, fall and winter, the guys there are exactly the same, little to no seasonal change.

Just saying............................. :wink:

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