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Kaelyn Kroft

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Guest Ou**or**n

A couple of weeks ago I was browsing CERB's Ottawa Announcement and saw Kaelyn?s announcement that she was coming to Ottawa. I checked out her pictures and nearly fell over. She looked absolutely gorgeous. A bit of further research showed she was very well reviewed in her home city of Toronto. I quickly fired her off both pm?s and emails to ensure I could get a chance to see her. I was happy when she responded back and we set our date.


It?s been a tough wait however tonight it finally ended. When I was at her hotel and called her number a most heavenly voice answered the phone. After a brief conversation I got her room number and headed upstairs with the wonderful sound of her voice in my ears.


When she opened the door I saw a sight I will never forget. She is absolutely stunning. She has long black hair, an incredibly beautiful face, smooth complexion and deep, deep brown eyes that you could drown in. She was wearing a soft black robe that showed off her beautiful body. She is even more beautiful in person than her pictures. I think god made Jessica Alba, figured he could do better and then made Kaelyn.


We moved into the bedroom part of her suite where she had candles lit around the room and music playing. Despite her beauty she is extremely funny and a joy to spend time with. She offered me a glass a wine and we had a very enjoyable time getting to know one another. We traded kisses and I had the chance to caress her amazingly soft skin.


With the wine finished we moved on to the intimate part of the date. The details of that time are private between us. Her website lists her services and it is accurate. I had an absolutely amazing time and would give her a 10/10 for looks, service and atmosphere. In this endeavour ladies simply don?t get any better than Kaelyn.


The great thing about Kaelyn is once you visit her website you know exactly what you are going to get. If she is your physical type (she sure is mine), then you will be in heaven. Like any lady the better you treat her the better your time will be. She is a gem guys ? treat her well and you will be rewarded.


Repeat? ? already booked!

  • 5.0
Kaelyn Kroft
I would visit again
  • 5.0
Kaelyn Kroft
I would visit again

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Guest S****an

Run with the bulls in Pamplona. Climb Mt. Kilimanjaro. Dive on the Great Barrier Reef. If these are the kind of things on your life experience list, then do yourself a favour and add spending some time with Miss Kaelyn Kroft. Hyperbole? Maybe, but then again Kaelyn is way,way more fun than I imagine getting gored by a bull, freezing on a mountain, or risking being sharkfood could ever be lol :)

I can only echo Outforfun's excellent recommendation above, and add that this young lady had it all - she was warm, poised, graceful and supremely sensual. There was absolutely nothing rushed or artificial about our encounter and I felt like I was on a date with the girl of my dreams. Now I get weak- kneed around pretty brunettes at the best of times, but when she met me at the door with her hair falling around her soft shoulders I got completely tongue-tied -she is that gorgeous. But she quickly put me at ease with some fun conversation and a little wine, and I absolutely savoured the next hour together. The details are between us, but for you msog kind of guys (though I'm sure she would accommodate you) my advice would be to treat her like a fine cognac and not rush the experience. Her website www.kaelynkroft.com (terrific website btw) gives you a great idea of what you can expect.

As for repeating, to heck with Mt. Kilimanjaro! I'd rather be with Kaelyn anyday, and am counting the days til her next visit to Ottawa.

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Guest *o****ea****t

The girl of my dreams has come to fruition and her name is Kaelyn Kroft. Whoever said nobody is perfect hasn?t met Kaelyn yet. That poor fool doesn?t know what he?s missing. If I had any technological ability whatsoever she would be my "Lisa" of the 80's blockbuster hit movie 'Weird Science'. Talk about an easy process to set up a date. We exchanged some emails, she gladly answered all of my questions, we flirted a bit, she mentioned I would receive a confirmation email the night before our rendezvous & I did. This girl is organized & professional. She describes herself as ?fun & normal, sexy & silly? which she is but she is also so much more. Normal might be a tad underestimated as I find her to be extraordinary but, hey, that's just one guys humble opinion. I?ve only scratched the surface of getting to know Kaelyn & it is with great pleasure that I look forward to finding out more. I'm not a fan of Toronto as it is the hometown of the dreaded Leafs and is the self proclaimed center of the hockey universe but if Kaelyn is a resident then I guess it can't be all that bad of a place. Anytime she considers a trip to Ottawa we should consider ourselves blessed. I will. OutForFun & Skidman have done an excellent job in capturing the essence of Kaelyn. Her website is very well done & informative so you know what you can expect from your time with her. Of course, ymmv but she is honest & forthcoming so I wouldn't foresee any surprises. Her pictures give a great sense of how gorgeous & playful she is but to truly appreciate how beautiful she is outside & in she should definitely be seen. She is smart, funny, pretty beyond words, sweet, kind & sexy without a doubt. Who wouldn't want to spend time with such a lovely woman.


Things I like about Kaelyn:


1) her sweet voice that draws me in

1) her seductive smile that keeps me there

1) her deep dark eyes that mesmerize me

1) her soft lips & tender kisses that make me want more

1) her warm, sensual hug that makes me putty in her hands

1) her long dark hair that makes me want to grab it. . . .gently of course until things dictate otherwise

1) her silky smooth skin & dark complexion that makes me want to explore & caress every square inch

1) OMG what a body!!!! Breasts, bum, hips, tummy, back, legs, neck. . . .you get the picture. . . .all of it. . . .phenomenal

1) she is impeccably manicured from the top of her head to the tips of her cute toes. I'm a sucker for gorgeous hands & hers are outstanding. Plus as an added bonus she uses them to give a fantastic massage

1) her subtle scent that teases the nose & puts warm apple pie to shame

1) the soft noises she makes in my ear that send shivers down my spine

1) her exceptional ability to make me feel welcome & relaxed

1) her engaging conversation that makes me feel like we've been great friends for a long time

1) she is funny & silly & playful which just adds to her sexiness factor that is already out of this world. She has a fantastic sense of humour

1) her laugh sounds like music to my ears

1) she has a kind, warm heart & is genuinely a good person

1) she's a dog lover. She even has a cute little master jedi of her own that, by all accounts, she spoils rotten

1) she can play the meanest, badass snare drum


This list is a work in progress & I will add to it when I'm lucky enough to spend time with Kaelyn & get to know her more. I hope she comes back soon cause I miss her already. If you're getting the impression that I am smitten then I guess I am guilty as charged & it's not a problem for me. I am hooked.


Repeat? Do I seriously have to answer that?

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Wow that is quite the review. Lets hope she comes back. I wanted to see her but she was totally booked - apparently half the bookings became no shows unfortunately - so lets hope she comes back and she can weed out the no-shows next time.

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Guest e***nw****uv

Hum... Does anyone know if Kaelyn is still around. I tried to book with her once but she wasn't available and haven't seen any CERB activity in a while. She seems like a very classy lady, which in my book, counts for a lot!

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Guest blo*****s

Well, I only looked at her site and would say she definitely has the face of an angel, and wonderfully soft-looking skin.

I am sure she's the type that could make "love at first sight" a reality.

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