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We as providers and hobbyist are under scrutiny of the outside world. Facing names like John, who** cheaters, pervs, and I am sure much more.


But we are so much more than those names. We are the ones brave enough to experience life as we see fit. . At the end of the day, we have chosen our path. For some of us, perhaps life lead us down this path. Maybe we choose this despite our upbringing? Maybe we hide who we are, but also proud of who we are.


But sometimes... some others are not proud and are facing difficult life decisions on how does this affect the way we think on how we as persons should be treated and viewed.


Recently, I met a lady who felt that she was not suppose to be proud, not suppose to be respected and not suppose to have self respect. For she had suffered from the hands of controlling people that made her believe so.


This made my heart very sad, that such a lovely spirit could ever be made to feel that. This lady is so forgiving to her oppressors, that it made no sense to me. BUT her forgiveness taught me.


It taught me, that she is much stronger then I ever could imagine. It taught me that if she could find a way to forgive and move beyond that experience, and yet still remain her true self then no matter what names we are called we can rise above that! She has no wish for harm, only to move forward head strong!


I believe that once she learned to be proud of who she is. Knowing that she has value in this world no matter what job she takes on, that by showing her strength her oppressors has been silenced. They are too weak themselves to take on such a strong spirit and self confidence.


I wrote this story in a singular stance, but in actual fact, this story is a compilation of many amazing women I have had the pleasure or working with! With each lady that I have worked with, ( as an agent ) this was the common dominator. Once they see how wonderful they are, what life can bring when you are positive and self proclaimed!


Same story applies to our treasured hobbyist, so many times I have seen so many grow and learn why they visit. Sometimes, they even return to their " normal" life after experiencing this side of the tracks. And for them

I am equally happy. Some choose that this is the only way they can maintain their "normal" life and that is also respected by me.

I have met men that face abuse, oppression of sexuality and finances to the point their own health becomes at risk.


I guess the whole point to this post, is that I want everyone, now matter what side of the fence your on....

To know your own self worth. To know that you are relevant to those around you. You deserve respect and do not let others make you feel less than you are! Strive to be the person you want to be, not the one you are TOLD YOU ARE!


So if you have a story to share, or just need to come back to this post as a reminder that you are not alone in your situation....please use this post to have that affirmation.

Edited by Studio 110 by Sophia
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