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Tgirl Nikki (Shemale/Tgirl)

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Well...some know that again?...I am selective on who I see and I do alot of research first.........Nikki was one of my selections based on the fact that I live life wanting to know more...experience more....and have fun doing it....and not die missing something.


I have had a little experience before but was looking for more for my next attempt and Nikki fit the antler perfectly so to say.


I made plans to see her and had some wonderful simple emails from fist contact that really put me at ease.


So, I arrive as requested and was greeted at the door by what I can honestly say was a little forest nymph with enticing eyes a wonderful smile.

I step in and am greeted with a warm hug and a really nice kiss??..what a site in a sexy little robe and heels and matching set of lingerie under.


We sit on the couch and have some water while we get to know each other through some of the most dynamic conversation about every topic you could think of??and during this time her little robe slips open from time to time allowing me little glimpses of a truly divine body that starts to make me start to anticipate the upcoming events???


After a some conversation and a little making out on the couch I excuse myself for a little refresher shower?.she prances off in front of me leaving me to follow a set of legs that are a work of art from good diet and balanced exercise?..mmmm?legs?..


I actually walked back to the living room to strip as 1. The bathroom was a little small for me and my antler 2. I preferred to lay my clothes out on a chair instead of the floor. 3. I am not ashamed of my body?..so I strip and then headed towards the shower only to ge playfully stopped and groped and kissed?.I break away and headed off to get squeaky clean.


Once refreshed I met her back in the living room for another one sided grope session by Nikki?.little tease she was being?..followed her again to the bedroom??


Now once in the bedroom the details stop there as what happens between adults should partially stay between adults?.but our time together was one of the most relaxing and emotionally comfortable times I have spent with some one.

She put me at ease and controlled the events in a safe and relaxed way that allowed her to help me experience more of what I wanted.


We went from interesting sexual activities to more dynamic conversation?questions?answers?then back to the activities?it flowed so nice for me??


She is very talented with her mind when it comes to the activities?I just wish I could have been more there for her?but I was not disappointed in any way and came out of there with a feeling I had a bunch of orgasms??.


Will I see her again yes?..I will say her features and demeanor is all Lady and what some would call a tgirl?I would call ?all girl?


I thank her for her understanding??being patient?..and her incredible lust for life.


On a final note...I put down Lady as a catagory...as that is how I see her.....

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