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Holidays, family, and escorting..

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Hi all! :)


So perhaps this is a sensitive subject for some, and I hope I'm not over-stepping any boundaries here, but I'm asking for some advice, and also out of curiosity..


With the holiday season coming up pretty soon, I'm wondering what some SP's do when it comes to the many questions families ask about what you're doing in life, your job, boyfriends, etc.

Are you upfront and honest with your family? Do you dodge the questions, or come up with an innocent white life to satisfy your curious family members?


I'm hoping to get some advice on the matter as well, from both the men and women on here; I'm completely open with what I do for a living with my immediate family and friends, and while they're all okay and accepting of it, my extended family can be quite close-minded. I'm not sure if I should be honest when I see them, or come up with something else? Would you suggest a better course of action?


Just wondering about everyone's opinion on this subject, thanks for any feedback you may have! :)

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Most of my family is aware of what I do for a living. I also have other revenue as well. While they may not approve, they keep these comments to themselves. I had 15 people at my place for dinner earlier this evening. None of them asked me about my job. No one in my family usually talks about their jobs because they are all boring as hell. Except for mine of course. ;) I have a lot of brothers and sisters so it's mostly about drama bullshit and who isn't talking to who. It gets tiresome.


That sort of things usually happens with relatives I haven't seen for years and then I will make something up just to get them off my back or tell them about my little side business. I really don't care what other people think. I do my own thing.


Immediate families will always closely guard these types of secrets. My parents always shut their mouth about everything including their own business. My father is one of those people who you can never quite read. He is quiet and unassuming, stays away from drama but then can tell someone to f off in the next breath if you piss him off. Now I know where I get it from!


Extended family if you were to tell them, it's all downhill from there. I've had a few SP friends who had to deal with this at one time or another. Just tell them you have some boring office job doing payroll for a company. Barely anyone understands this type of work unless they're in it. They won't understand no matter how many ways you try to explain it to them. Especially if they're from a different generation... forget it.


This business can get lonely and isolating at times but it also has it's advantages and rewards as well. None of which I regret. You just have to know how to balance your personal life and work life. Being an SP is like being in the mob. Don't tell any secrets.


End of story.

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Years ago, I tried to hide it. It got very tiring and difficult to keep my story straight. Then after one of my own family members tried to blackmail me with sending ads to my Mother, I paid this person the 1000.00 they asked and right after that I sat down with her and explained I was an adult entertainer and masseuse. I told her this, because if a blackmailer goes after you once and you pay up, rest assured they will do it again and again.


I do not have the need to hide my career choice now, and I am so happy this way. Both my parents know, and they also see that I am successful and happy with my choice. I have shown them that their is a good side to this industry and they are proud of me for taking to the standards I have.


My father who is elderly, depends on me in many different ways and without this job, I would not be able to be there for him in the same ways as I am now.


I suppose you should ask yourself, How long do I plan to be in this? If just a short time, maybe you can hide it. But if after a year, you may decide that it really is hard to hide it. And GOD FORBID that someone wants to out you, they will not have the power.


As for extended family, I am just a Masseuse, also I had been a dog groomer for many years, so as far as they know I still do groom, and also massage. Both are self employed type jobs.


Out of respect, during holidays I shut my phone off. I do not discuss business with or around my family.

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