Liv Waters 52361 Report post Posted November 14, 2014 Well, it's been building for a while now and only getting worse. I smell a witch hunt and the intensification of an us versus them attitude, where those who model and best emulate the most sanitized image of the 'Escort' and sometimes, the 'Hobbyist', get their precious brownie points while others, particularly the oh, so very bad and 'risky' workers get shit on. It's bad enough we are being censored to death here to survive. And, yes, it is a real challenge to adapt to this new legislative environment, but it brings things to violence when we have the finger pointing and goody two shoes bull that is going around about 'all those SPs' who are peddling their 'extras' and should really 'know better'...should really do more to not be so 'risky'... And, this messaging is being directed regarding workers in general discussions and not just those formally linked with CERB, but it's functioning in really damaging ways that do affect our Members here and this hurts the culture that people have worked so hard to make supportive and caring and progressively minded...what's going on is slut shaming and another term I don't even think I can use on here now. I've even had personal conversations with workers who were worried that other workers would be tricking them into providing a menu or discussing 'activities' over text and whatnot and that this would be used as a way of thinning the ranks and getting them kicked off of boards like this. Paranoid? I think not, especially given all of the nasty talk and the fear and uncertainty that has transpired in recent weeks...about how all of the change would be handled, about the level of censorship and the reach of control these changes would result in in terms of workers needing to alter their business models and online presences. Under the tyranny of fear and censorship, very lovable people are driven to engage in truly ugly behavior. I think it was a wise decision on the part of the board to make a distinction that those going on with advertising their extras in other places aren't automatically kicked off of CERB, so long as they are not linking their presences or posts here to those other spaces. Otherwise, I know we would have a worse rats nest than we already do now. Just because many of us felt compelled to adapt our business models and advertising practices to continue to try and thrive and provide the most comfort and assurance to our clients who are looking for that, does not give any of us the right to look down or direct hatefulness at those who are not towing the line. And, many of of us who have made these changes are carrying extra burdens and worries in greater isolation than before. There is a cost to sanitizing one's image...just as there is to becoming the Dudley and Dolly do rights who will be hurting their eyes and giving themselves calluses from hitting the report post button so much. [Yeah, there is a difference between reporting a post and becoming the post police or some resentful, makeshift Mod. I can read between the lines that this is happening.] And, for those of my colleagues who have acted as though they don't understand why others are so upset that they have to be censored and constrained in such a way because they've been doing it this way all along with no issues at all, you need to know you are in a minority and that the industry overall does not march to the beat of your drum...very invalidating and politically self-ingratiating behaviour. I see we are under constraints here and that people are fearful and frustrated, but let's really be honest with ourselves about the difference between adapting and surviving versus shitting on people and hyper fixating on their business practices....or, better yet, between playing along and drinking the Kool-Aid. Let's do more on the end of keeping this a supportive space. Besides, witches have more fun ;P 22 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gabriella Laurence 301887 Report post Posted November 14, 2014 I've even had personal conversations with workers who were worried that other workers would be tricking them into providing a menu or discussing 'activities' over text and whatnot and that this would be used as a way of thinning the ranks and getting them kicked off of boards like this. Paranoid? I think not, especially given all of the nasty talk and the fear and uncertainty that has transpired in recent weeks... Anna, maybe I am blind or not understanding the new Cerb rules but I fail to see how a lady could possibly get kicked off Cerb for having a private exchange (detailed email or text) with a potential client, outside of Cerb. What she does off the board doesn't concern Cerb as long as she follows the new Cerb guidelines. I can see that a fair share of people are overwhelmed with all this but taking a step back and looking at it with an objective eye might be more beneficial than letting fear take over and blurr our rational thinking. Although somewhat frustrating at the moment, I am confident we will all adjust in due time and we'll be just fine :) 7 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cinelli 22184 Report post Posted November 14, 2014 Let's do more on the end of keeping this a supportive space ^ This, we are all in this together, like it or not. Everyone needs to watch what they write. Stop and think first. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Liv Waters 52361 Report post Posted November 14, 2014 Anna, maybe I am blind or not understanding the new Cerb rules but I fail to see how a lady could possibly get kicked off Cerb for having a private exchange (detailed email or text) with a potential client, outside of Cerb. What she does off the board doesn't concern Cerb as long as she follows the new Cerb guidelines. I can see that a fair share of people are overwhelmed with all this but taking a step back and looking at it with an objective eye might be more beneficial than letting fear take over and blurr our rational thinking. Although somewhat frustrating at the moment, I am confident we will all adjust in due time and we'll be just fine :) My point was not what is objective, it is the fear mongering, the unneeded nastiness, and the uncertainty that has plagued us all over recent weeks, which left many SPs worried and paranoid about what was reigning down on them and leading to acting out in destructive ways toward others....that is the point of my post; not everything will be better if we are all 'sensible'....a person can come across as sensible and yet be seething with venom...the stigma and the nastiness is not a necessary part of being cautious on this Board, or of 'us being in it together'....but many who are parading themselves as cautious and looking out for the community are using that politic to sling their judgmental 'I am like legal Teflon' garbage around in a manner that is shitting on people and alienating the lived realities of people doing the work. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nicolette Vaughn 294340 Report post Posted November 14, 2014 Every lady has the right to run their own business as they see fit. Including whether or not they wish to speak explicitly to clients. How will this get them kicked off Cerb unless they did not comply with Cerb rules? I think there's a lot of irrational fear going on. Cerb is not the only site a lady can advertise on. Yes, you're right that this is a time of uncertainty and panic but those who will be able to adapt will adapt. I don't know about this witch hunt going on but people seem to be extremely sensitive and perhaps it's a fear of the unknown. And as for so called nastiness, supposed shaming and labeling, there is also A LOT of people splitting hairs at this point with other ladies taking words out of context and implying things that aren't necessarily true. Follow the rules here, advertise other places as you wish which will be permitted. I think everyone needs to take a breather at this point. The world isn't going to end over this ridiculous law. Let's not ruin a good sense of community here because the Conservative Government is clueless. 9 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andee 220524 Report post Posted November 14, 2014 What happens off CERB, is no concern to the MOD, e.g. explicit conversations, etc. - unless you are linking back to web-sites or ads or blogs that contain explicit advertising, you don't have to worry if you follow the rules for advertising here. I do not know of any witch hunt, and sorry if this sounds mean, but it's threads like this that further fuel the fear mongering currently going on. Since it doesn't affect me personally, I won't buy into it. However I am concerned about newer or inexperienced companions who may not know who to believe or listen to. 8 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roamingguy 300292 Report post Posted November 14, 2014 I'll chime in with my two cents here...maybe not even worth that. I've noticed some complaints about how CERB is dealing with the new laws but nothing about CERBies against one another...but maybe I'm blind LOL First CERB (Mod & Owners) are trying to navigate the legal minefield brought about by MacKay's Draconian legislation...bolded because lets remember who the enemy is here. With that said, we, each other aren't the's that cpc moral minority that is the enemy Two There is going to be a bit of a learning curve for everyone, better to learn than fight. Three the adjustments CERB just made is so this community can continue Four if there are some who are baiting others (not saying this is being done) something to remember. CERB metaphorically speaking isn't a lifeboat that can hold 10 survivors and there are 18 in the water, so 8 need to go...the lifeboats don't need to be deployed because the good ship CERB hasn't sunk...hope that metaphor makes sense Finally, again remember the cpc is the enemy, one I'm going to remember at election time. But this community shouldn't get divided amongst each other because of the cpc That is if I read this thread right Time for a bike ride, then a coffee RG 6 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fortunateone 156618 Report post Posted November 15, 2014 Anna, i think that if you had just been more direct, and not so roundabout hinting at this and that 'stuff', maybe the reactions would have been more acceptable for you? As it is, you jump onto one reply, one of the things you complain about others doing, i think? So basically what i am getting from the OP is that you feel that some members are reporting ..'s ads or sending mod info about their ads on other sites, in order to get them banned from using cerb. In a malicious way, of course, and you want these people to mind their own business. If that is what you are saying, i wholeheartedly agree. People are busybodies about other sps ads. i don't know where you are seeing these digs about sps advertising extras elsewhere tho. is it possible you are reading more into what you see? for example we are discussing the whole topic of advertising and what to include, what to exclude. to do this we use examples. From time to time, we may use an example of a site that allows more graphic ads, and wonder why, or maybe explain why they do. how do people know things if they don't discuss, and ask, and debate? 7 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mod 135642 Report post Posted November 16, 2014 It is not fear mongering and it is not us (cerb, the owners, the mods) who made these laws!!! Cerb has always been on the good side of the law and we will remain that way. It keeps our members safe, the owners safe, the mods safe and the advertisers safe. I am just warning people of what is to come here on cerb not everywhere else! Have i ever been concerned what others are doing? No! We run cerb different the other sites, We will conform to the new laws to keep this site running and we will ride this out and protect ourselves, and our members. lots of people are voicing opinions that we should keep cerb running the same, refuse to conform, move the business to another country, etc,etc,.. If you feel so strongly about not censoring and breaking the laws then i suggest you either purchase a copy of vbulletin (the software that runs cerb) and start your own discussion site and run all the illegal ads and open uncensored posts you want.. Or hell make the owners of cerb an offer to purchase cerb, maybe they would sell it. I would have to resign however as i do not wish to go to court for breaking this new law. Just for the record...As far as i know cerb it is not for sale but with the new laws i am sure that would consider an offer, i sure would. So, with that said does anyone have the guts (or stupidity) to go against the law? Put your money and your criminal record where your mouth is and lets see what happens. If not then help us stay a float and stop fighting me and fight your government who did this to us! Lets see if your all talk or your willing to take the chance and get charged under the new law. I personally would like to keep the site going and conform to the laws. 18 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
squirtingmilf 1982 Report post Posted November 21, 2014 I personally really don't care what the owners of cerb decide to do or not do. It's their board, their choice at the end of the day, it's their business. I talked to MOD yesterday about changing my name to comply to the rules, there was no arguing and no debate about it .. I initiated the conversation .. I like the discussions here and that's why I partake on this board. As for the maliciousness, I don't see it, maybe that's something you're privy to and the rest of us are not. I don't devalue anyone no matter their role in this industry as a sex worker. My niche is my selling point, which is going to change drastically for me, I'll just have to be a little more creative and discreet about it.. no big deal. As an advocate, I throw myself into the mix as it is and take heat from all sides, but I knew the risks when I decided to take that on. I fully admit, I've told MOD to move offshore and keep fighting, but again it's a suggestion and it's their choice. Personally I wouldn't give in, but hey that's just me, my opinion is just like everyone else's, we all have one. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mod 135642 Report post Posted November 21, 2014 Some people feel the need to blame everyone else when things dont go the way they want. The laws change, we must comply bottom line. If you do not wish to do so leave cerb/lyla and find somewhere that will risk breaking the laws. No witch hunt no one else to blame if you refuse to comply when the rest of us are doing so. Very simple... and maybe if you read the rules here and see that VENTING threads and such are also NOT permitted on cerb then maybe you would have less of a hard time here. If you choose NOT to read and follow the rules you will be removed (or in this case whatever they do to witches who refuse to follow the rules). 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites