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Do you keep lists?

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Guest Ou**or**n

This is a question for both sides in the business - do you keep track of the number of people you see? Different people have different personalities and personalities are geared towards keeping counts and lists.


Ladies - do you keep count of how many clients you've seen or is it something that either doesn't matter or you don't want to track.


Guys - do you count the number of different ladies you've seen? Do you count how many repeats you have with various ladies? We all keep mental 'to do' lists but how many of you keep a physical list.


Me - I keep a written 'to do' list that I keep updated over time. I add notes about where I heard about the lady and any comments from reviews or advertising about services or aspects of the lady that is of interest to me. Rather than research one lady extensively I keep tabs on a number of potential ladies on an on-going basis. Sometimes due to learning more information or issues when communicating with them I scratch some off - its an on-going list. However when I am ready to hobby and have that combination of both free time and available funds then I am prepared. I enjoy repeats as well and repeat often so this list also has both 'to do' sections and 'repeat' sections. I'd say about 2/3 of my activity is repeating.


I also keep a 'done' list of ladies I've seen. I don't write down any details other than a couple of words to remind me if she was an indy or agency lady and where I saw here. This is mostly to the fact some ladies use the same name and over time I've seen a few ladies with the same name. I don't keep track of the number of times I've repeated though. That would tempt me to count my total visits and multiply them by an average costs to come up with an annual and total amount spent value that I'd rather not know ;)


My guilty pleasure is to take out this list from time-to-time and think about the ladies and the times spent together. They are often fond memories and highlight to me the incredible variety of ladies in this business.

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Guest s******ecan****

I keep a mental list but I like your guilty pleasure idea. Perhaps I will adopt it. One thing I will never do is keep track of all the $$ I have spent.

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Having a very bad memory (no offense...), I don<t keep track of my customers. Sometimes I remember situations that have happened, but NEVER I WOULD KEEP A LIST!


This would put in danger my clients and me. also, do I really want to know? Every meeting is so different one from the other...

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I'm a bit like Rain Man and am blessed with virtually total recall and never forget anything. Which is mostly pretty cool.




I'm an excellent client :)

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I keep a mental note of the majority of the clients I see. and I keep track of my earnings but I have to start keeping track of my spending.


If I have alot to do in a day I will make a task/to do list. but it's just so I am carrying around alot of thought patterns sometimes my friends think I confuse myself but its just my thought pattern out lound if they are around me.

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When I first started escorting I kept lists of people I saw with details of what they liked and disliked so I could remember them when they called me again.. then I learned to let that go.. the ones who came to see me often enough I would recall as soon as I saw them as we developed a relationship.


Now.. nope.. no lists of anykind.

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I used to write a private diary entry for each erotic session I experienced until it became too laborious (about 110 different ladies, 220 bookings over a period of 11 years -- yes, about half newly met ladies and half repeats on the average). Now the list is just names, agency and how many times I have seen them. So far I can still recall all the ladies associated with their names -- sometimes with great effort. It rather shakes me up if I can't recall a person at all.


I review maybe one third of the ladies and this is a memory cue as well as most are in my word processor.


Also I ask if a lady would be willing to make a short voice recording at the end of the session -- I have about 50 of then now. They all have such distinct voices and approaches to their little "interview." This has proved to be a wonderful treat to listen to on snowy days far from any escort scene!



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Guest S***e

After forty plus years of hobbying where do I keep such a list? Nope, no list for this ol' guy.

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No lists. My mom always said, don't keep anything around you wouldn't want anyone to find if you were hit by a bus.

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I keep a detailed list of my income, but not of my clients. To me, that is just a part of financial responsibility and operating a business.

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No lists. My mom always said, don't keep anything around you wouldn't want anyone to find if you were hit by a bus.


lol....exactly. I have a mental list of the clients I have seen but nothing written in a little black book.


Some guys think its strange that I ask for them to send their address info when I'm going on an outcall for a 2nd or third time...but I dont save numbers for their privacy and mine so chances are, its going on a tiny piece of scrap pater that night and going in the garbage later unless you say its ok for me to save a phone number of theirs

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I have a mental list of who-to-do and who-I've-done but nothing on paper or a diary. too dangerous!

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I have a mental list of who-to-do and who-I've-done but nothing on paper or a diary. too dangerous!


I'm the same, the only list I keep is a mental one. Would never put it to paper, far too dangerous!!! I have a mental list of who I would like to see, but have lost track years ago as to which SP's I've seen and many there have been.

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I keep a list of those I'm interested in seeing. I also keep all the information I can about contacting them. It's not wise to login to CERB at work so I can bring up my list whenever I need it.

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No lists. My mom always said, don't keep anything around you wouldn't want anyone to find if you were hit by a bus.

and always wear clean underwear incase you get hit by a bus, I miss my mom

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and always wear clean underwear incase you get hit by a bus, I miss my mom


I miss my mom too. It will be 10 years on July 28th and I still have a hard time accepting the invitation to have a cup a tea with someone because that was what I did "with her". Funny, eh?


She made the best home-made apple pie (crust made from lard!!) and fried egg sandwich on the planet.


Okay...back to lists...carry on...

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Guest O***wa**W

I keep a list with basic info, mostly for notes on what the like and don't like, if there were any problems, etc.



To be clear- this is an email list only. I do most of my "business" online, so my lists use thier screen names or email address. I just keep updating and resending the details to myself in an email.

Edited by O***wa**W

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kept a list when I first started hobbying. now it's a short mental list because I repeat a lot with only a few gals. Got phone numbers on my cell.

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