mod 135642 Report post Posted December 2, 2014 Sorry but because of the new laws we must ask everyone to read this thread before using the site. New rules are in place on ALL of the website. You CAN NOT post any ADVERTISEMENTfor PROSTITUTION services (No Sexual Services) as the government of Canada has changed the laws making it illegal to do the following .... Websites can no longer allow anyone to advertise sexual services for sale It is now illegal to pay someone for sexual services It is still legal to advertise the following... ESCORTS: Escorts are people who go on PAID DATES. Being an "ESCORT" does not imply sex or sexual acts are included in the time paid for. Escorts can legally advertise service as long as the services you are offering are NOT sexual services. Escorts can advertise services such as private exotic dancing, massage, dinner dates, companionship, cuddling, kissing, etc... MASSAGE: Massage spas and indie massage can still advertise as long as they are not offering any sexual services including happy endings! We are not sure yet if that is going to be considered a sexual service so for now please no offers of happy endings or any other type of sexual services. FETISH: Fetish providers can offer NON SEXUAL fetish services such as bondage, xdressing, spanking, tickling, etc... but can not advertise such things that could be considered a sexual acts GUYS: You can NOT ask for help finding someone offering sexual services anymore. You can also not post about a lady who offered you sexual services. CENSORSHIP & REPORTING OFFENDERS: The site censors a lot of ADULT words these days. We are doing this to make sure no one gets in trouble and we are trying to train everyone who advertises that these new laws are now in effect and sexual services can no longer be advertised. By advertising a sexual service you could potentially get the site in trouble so if you see someone CIRCUMVENTING the censor system or trying to HINT that something "MORE" is available please use the REPORT POST button to let us know. All offending posts and advertisements will be removed when reported. We (The mods) do not have time to read every post but we do attend to all REPORTED POSTS so please help us and your community here by reporting any offending post. We will show our gratitude as well and reward your account with some reputation points. 19 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites