Cara Silver 32413 Report post Posted December 5, 2014 Over 11 or so years in the business I've learned not to get angry. I don't even get frustrated anymore. I just say, if you can't enjoy it don't do it. So I enjoy the job and take pleasure in it. However, I am a bit mad at this new stupid law and wanted to write a letter. If you have a letter or a sentiment for our dear government, please feel free to share. Here it is: Dr Mr Harper, On the eve of C36, I present my life as a downtrodden, needy, and damaged woman forced into the sex trade by my own bad judgement and a number of shadowy pimps: I am 30. I have two university degrees and am starting a third degree in 2015. I spend my days smiling, laughing, and being happy. I am on my way to a great career. I have travelled the world. I like myself. I am healthy and in great physical form. I have friends and lovely family. I struggle with certain things, just like any human being alive. I speak two languages (unlike Harper and MacKay). I am an engaged, ambitious, and productive member of society. I pay my taxes. I have no addictions- not to drugs, not to drink, not to exploitative men. I am a companion, or cuddler, or woman, or whatever the linguistic result of your semantics war. I now live with a little more fear and paranoia thanks to C36. Thanks, Mr. Harper, for saving me from myself. I have a terrible life and I am in need of rescuing. However I'd like to point out that the worst thing in my life is surely YOU. You're worse than any pimp: you instill fear, you disrespect, and you create danger where none existed before. Merry Christmas to you and your family. Sincerely, Cara ps. I'd like to add, as a celebration of irony, that I've had domineering men in my life before and I've always had the strength and support to say no to their domination. Now with your new laws and assumed authority, you are in fact the one man in my life I cannot refuse or say no to. Of course it's great to be in a situation in which I can't say no or protect myself from a guy. A Christmas present indeed. 23 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest M***ell***A Report post Posted December 5, 2014 I'm not sure it could be said better than that! Having been gone from the biz for a while during all of this I am only now reading and learning about all the changes and feel that we have taken a giant step backwards. Not just for this industry but the country. Very sad :( Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cara Silver 32413 Report post Posted December 5, 2014 I'm not sure it could be said better than that! Having been gone from the biz for a while during all of this I am only now reading and learning about all the changes and feel that we have taken a giant step backwards. Not just for this industry but the country. Very sad :( No Michelle, please contribute if you feel the same way. It's not meant to be a speech but a statement of strength and normalcy... And I feel sad like you. xoxoxoxo Additional Comments: What makes you confident? Guys and ladies- let's communicate our best qualities here. Just in case someone is reading and needs to be reminded that we are people too :) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
oldblueeyez 15475 Report post Posted December 6, 2014 I am on my way to a great career. You mean your second great career! ;) 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Helena D'Orville 33237 Report post Posted December 6, 2014 Awesome Cara! I identify myself in what you said (but we know that we have parallel lives ;-) 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Katherine of Halifax 113933 Report post Posted December 6, 2014 You mean your second great career! ;) Perhaps I am wrong OBE but I don't believe a second career is what is sought here. I believe the lovely lady that wrote this letter is confident just as she ought to be . We will live and thrive within the confines of Bill C-36 and its inconveniences. No problem to me and I really hope to no one else. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
oldblueeyez 15475 Report post Posted December 6, 2014 Just so there's no hard feelings or misunderstanding, I read it as meaning that she was headed in a different career path, and if so, I wanted to reinforce the fact that her current career is also a great one. ;) Perhaps I am wrong OBE but I don't believe a second career is what is sought here. I believe the lovely lady that wrote this letter is confident just as she ought to be . We will live and thrive within the confines of Bill C-36 and its inconveniences. No problem to me and I really hope to no one else. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cara Silver 32413 Report post Posted December 6, 2014 Thanks everyone but I feel all vulnerable being out there alone: does anyone else want to contribute a kick-ass message about themselves? Of course, any career is great so long as one is happy :) xoxo Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LadyMichelle 730 Report post Posted December 6, 2014 Wow I can identify with so much of your letter. I too have a career and family and this had made things so much unsafer not to mention that I don't know if I can even continue as a result. I am not able to work in my field with a criminal record :(. So I am taking a break I guess for the time being. I think if and when I return I will probably stay away from other sites maybe. A real shame smh LaDyMichelle 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
oldblueeyez 15475 Report post Posted December 6, 2014 I am not able to work in my field with a criminal record :(. That's the kicker. It sucks that a person can be deprived of their means of earning a living because of a criminal record. I don't mean to be mean, but it's like a system of enforcement, isn't it? Never rock the boat? It's like go to school and get your degree and then be governed for the rest of your life by a professional society? Screw that! 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
peacectryguy 12550 Report post Posted December 6, 2014 First things first before I post this. To Cara, very well said and kudos for being the strong, independent, intelligent woman you are. Now from the other side, here goes. Dear Mr. Harper, My name is Ernie(yes, I am using my real first name here), also known as peacectryguy on several forums that advertise and discuss topics related to escorts in Canada. I am 55 years young, separated and work as a plumber/ heating tech in one of the busiest areas of the country. I pay my taxes and am a contributor to the overall good of the economy and well being of this great nation. I am also what is referred to as a hobbyist. I am a customer/ client of ladies who offer companionship for a fee. These ladies are confident and smart and beautiful and in the real dating world, I would likely never meet or see ladies of this stature as I would probably consider them out of my league and never even approach them. You however, and your cronies, would refer to me as a degenerate pervert or some other derogatory term and an exploiter of women. This is far from the reality of my world. I visit and spend time with lovely ladies ranging in age from early 20's to late 40's.I make every effort to treat the ladies with respect and dignity. These ladies are neither coerced by me or anyone else, nor are they victims of violence or drug abuse. They are just people like all of us. Now for the catch. You have enacted a law that would make me a criminal and deprive me of my ability to work in certain places and limit my abilities to continue to contribute to our nation's well-being. By doing this, you also deprive the ladies that I have grown to know the ability to distinguish the difference between a gentleman such as myself and the very people you say you are protecting them from. They are therefore, put into much graver danger then they were before this came into effect. This also limits the free exchange of information and the means for all of us to stay safe in a world where there will always be a select few who prefer to exploit and harm their fellow man or woman. You would drive the entire industry into the underground darkness to hide it from your puritan view rather than bring it all into the light and see it for what it truly is. By doing this you not only make "criminals out of thousands of honest men" (I quoted that because a minister said that when prohibition was enacted), but you allow the real criminals in all of this to never be exposed, therefore putting many ladies well-being and lives in danger. In conclusion, I just want to say thank you for showing your true colors and letting us all know that you are really not worthy of a seat of power in a democracy. With your power, there is supposed to be an unbiased perspective for the good of all Canadians, not just those you deem worthy. I think I'll copy and paste that and send it to our honorable P.M. What do you all think? 12 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nicolette Vaughn 294340 Report post Posted December 6, 2014 Harper, you're an idiot! That's all I have to say on this matter. Posted via Mobile Device 6 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fortunateone 156618 Report post Posted December 8, 2014 Dear Mr. Harper. Clients don't contact me until/unless i advertise. Which means that they seek out the services that are being offered, they are not demanding that said services be provided to them based on male entitlement. If I did not advertise, they wouldn't be expecting that I provide them at all. And that's only one thing that is misleading about this legislation and the lies it was built on. Signed Clearly smarter than a Con. 6 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cara Silver 32413 Report post Posted December 11, 2014 Clients don't contact me until/unless i advertise. Which means that they seek out the services that are being offered, they are not demanding that said services be provided to them based on male entitlement. If I did not advertise, they wouldn't be expecting that I provide them at all. . This new bill is what happens when logic goes on vacation. Great point here. Any other letters? I know that alot of members and ladies on here are strong, productive members of society. Would love to hear from you. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CristyCurves 169033 Report post Posted December 11, 2014 I had written this letter in my blog addressed to Peter Mackay back in June out of frustration with the impending bill. Dear Mr. MacKay I would like to start by thanking you as you have reaffirmed my belief that most if not all politicians are assholes and major big ones:) I am a mature woman of sound mind, independence, intelligence and many talents. I have, for my own reasons, which are many and varied, chosen the profession of adult entertainment, specifically, companionship, to supplement my income. Doing so has given me confidence, a higher standard of living, enhanced my social skills, fulfilled my dating needs and allows me a schedule that enables me to devote some time to volunteering, and you want to take all of that away because you think I am causing danger/harm to myself and community?? I have self respect, maintain a lovely, clean home, live quietly, respect my community, and neighbourhood by keeping it clean and watching out for my neighbours. So where's the harm? You say what has added to my life isn't safe, socially acceptable and should be fully criminalized. Please explain to me why? What is it about consenting adults providing one another with specific needs and pleasures that you find so nefarious and unconscionable? Since when has it been any ones right to tell me who I can share my time and body with? What right do you have to tell me what I can accept a gift for, monetary or otherwise? Is controlling the lives of Canadian citizens all that's on the conservatives minds these days? Because these proposed changes aren't going to improve or help me, they'll do just the opposite! I hope that some of your party will come to their senses before these ridiculous laws are enacted. There are still some politicians with common sense left aren't there? Added on: 06/13/14 16:53 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites