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Was just visiting with a client and after sex our conversation turned to all sorts of things.. and then the HST.. when out of my mouth popped. Handjob sales tax. We laughed..


got me to thinking..


any other ideas for a name for this new tax?:butt:

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Human Sexuality Tax


Volume discounts available. Discounts also for regions of the country where there is less than average amount of sex. You only pay on climax.:jackoff:

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Now this is a challenge!!!!


The Hairy Sack Tax... you must pay if the grooming is not up to standard


The Horny Spaniard Tax ... collected when Bolero or any Flamenco music is played in the background


The Homer Simpson Tax ... Doh!


The Havarti Swiss Tax ... paid immediately if any part of you smells like cheese


The Handsome Suave Tax... $1000 just for looking so good....


The Have to Spit Tax ... when swallowing is just not an option...


The Historical Sex Tax... Paid when your fantasy involves cavewomen, Marie Antoinette, flapper girls or Eleanor Roosevelt


The Hidden Socks Tax ... paid upon discovery that the package is not what was advertised.


Carry on....

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Guest W***ledi*Time

The HST was introduced in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Newfoundland on 1 April 1997. When the concept was first proposed, it was called the "Blended Sales Tax" (BST), but everyone called it the BullSh** Tax. This popular disrespect prompted it to be re-branded as the "Harmonized Sales Tax" instead. Of course, then everyone just called it the HorseSh** Tax.


(not that there's anything wrong with taxes ...)

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Guest **ng***1

That's hilarious. You know that if they could get it..... they would try. :sm185:

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Personally I hate taxes..we are so over taxed, and I agree with WIT..HORSESHIT TAX...Oh how much extra (tax) to need to pay at the gas pumps for gas???, personal taxes don't get me started on that one...clothes and food and then the Horseshit tax is on top that.


YES I HATE PAYING TAXES..sorry a little rant of taxes, since I had to pay the Feds again this year-PRICKS..


BTW I just fired my accountant, cause he was over charging me and taxing me as well!


Sorry Carrie, did not mean to hijack your thread :)

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Sorry Carrie, did not mean to hijack your thread :)


No problem. I hate paying taxes too! I like horseshit tax.. good name for it.

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This popular disrespect prompted it to be re-branded as the "Harmonized Sales Tax" instead. Of course, then everyone just called it the HorseSh** Tax.

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My MP said that it was a good thing to have the new HST, he mentioned that on average we would only pay $150.00 a year more on gas. And any family getting less then $160 000 a year would be getting $1000.00 back on their income tax.

So I told him that I had to see this to believe it.

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Bwah ha ha!

The Handsome Suave Tax... $1000 just for looking so good....


Don't mention this one in front of antlerman -

The Homer Simpson Tax ... Doh!

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a few more....



The Hamster Storage Tax - our own tribute to the Richard Gere legend


The Horrendous Singing Tax - when even a bucket won't help you carry that tune


The Ham Sandwich Tax - nothin' special, it's just a ham sandwich.


The Hanging Salami Tax - when a guy has more than his fair share of sausage




I keep thinking... and it scares the world.

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The Homer Simpson Tax ... Doh!




wait a minute here!!!!!!!!

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wait a minute here!!!!!!!!


Yup... Homer is being taxed... but consider the whole big story.


Homer is being taxed, but so are ham sandwiches. Ham, as we know comes from a pig. A pig also produces bacon... and we all know that bacon is God's greatest gift to humankind, ever. So your association with Homer makes you closer to God, you are kinda like a modern messiah... sorta.


Consider other similarities. You like SPs. The last messiah also liked an SP. Coincidence??? Nooooo.


You call yourself Antlerman. Break down the word. Antler. Hmm. What has antlers? Why yes, yes you are right, reindeer. And who do the reindeer hang out with?? That's right, Santa. And when does Santa come around?? That's right, on the day we celebrate the messiah's birthday. Another coincidence??? We think not. Now the man part... well we know that some of us "men" consider ourselves God's gift. Who are we to argue??? Another messiah coincidence... can't be. Noooooo.


So Homer being taxed?? It's all good.

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Yup... Homer is being taxed... but consider the whole big story.


Homer is being taxed, but so are ham sandwiches. Ham, as we know comes from a pig. A pig also produces bacon... and we all know that bacon is God's greatest gift to humankind, ever. So your association with Homer makes you closer to God, you are kinda like a modern messiah... sorta.


Consider other similarities. You like SPs. The last messiah also liked an SP. Coincidence??? Nooooo.


You call yourself Antlerman. Break down the word. Antler. Hmm. What has antlers? Why yes, yes you are right, reindeer. And who do the reindeer hang out with?? That's right, Santa. And when does Santa come around?? That's right, on the day we celebrate the messiah's birthday. Another coincidence??? We think not. Now the man part... well we know that some of us "men" consider ourselves God's gift. Who are we to argue??? Another messiah coincidence... can't be. Noooooo.


So Homer being taxed?? It's all good.



OMG...that is the one of nicest things any one has ever said to me.............next to "I think I came".....heheheheh

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Guest s******ecan****

Just a little tip out there for those who have taxes complicated enough to justify having an accountant. CCRA is not liable for errors made by their employees relating to tax advice, information etc. In other words if you file based on information you recv'd by calling or talking to one of their employees and the information is wrong, you will still be on the hook for any penalties or interest that results. You will not have any recourse by saying "well I called your tax line and they told me....."


However if your taxes are prepared by an accountant and they make an error you can sue them for the penalties/interest. So make sure your accountant is reputable and has some assets (use a firm, or at least someone who carries Errors and Omissions insurance) since sueing them is of no benefit if they have no way of paying you.



Personally I hate taxes..we are so over taxed, and I agree with WIT..HORSESHIT TAX...Oh how much extra (tax) to need to pay at the gas pumps for gas???, personal taxes don't get me started on that one...clothes and food and then the Horseshit tax is on top that.


YES I HATE PAYING TAXES..sorry a little rant of taxes, since I had to pay the Feds again this year-PRICKS..


BTW I just fired my accountant, cause he was over charging me and taxing me as well!


Sorry Carrie, did not mean to hijack your thread :)

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