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I have said before, and I'll say it again this in my opinion is actually the primary difference between an SP, and a street level sex worker in my opinion. SPS provide a much more sensual relaxed and enjoyable experience. As several of the ladies have said, in my experience an appointment with a service provider is much less about sex than it is about spending time with a lady who you actually enjoy being around. If all you want to do is cuddle, I'm quite sure most ladies would not have much of a problem at all accommodating that request. I usually spend at least half an hour just cuddling with the lady in every appointment I have ever booked.

PS: take some time to get to know the service provider, and bring her favorite flower, or a nice bottle of wine. It generally enhances the mood if they see you put in some thought before the date. We are lucky in that we have some cool extras in terms of communication with these ladies provided by the website. Choose a lady, read her posts, flirt, ask questions, tell her jokes, even exchange pet stories. That way when you meet, you already have things in common..

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Maybe this request is too 'soft' for CERB, but here goes...


I am looking for a Snuggle Provider :oops:


Do any ladies provide such a service, like a 2hour movie snuggle with some smootchin n giggles while whispering sweet nothings. Light stuff. (You know, sorta like when in HS.)


Please feel free to PM me for more details, your rates, recos, knock-knock jokes or what-have-you.


Not to say it's for tonight (which it could be), but something that can be planned for another evening.


I look forward to seeing what the market has to say :) as I have never seen this advertised before *crosses-fingers* :-D


I would love all my clients to ask for this request. It is a service I do offer and would be willing to entertain this situation if you would like to.


If you want to ask questions or ask for my rates feel free to email me.


Tulsa xox

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