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During my appointments with MPAs or SPs I've noticed that names are never used. We just call each other "you". I guess that's because I know that whatever name she uses, it is not her real name, and she has no idea of whether the name I give is my real name or not. I have had MPAs and SPs ask me my name, but they have never addressed me by name during the appointment. Sometimes it does seem odd to have intimate relations with someone but never address each other by name.


I'm curious to know whether others' experience is the same.


Also, I'm curious to know whether MPAs and SPs ever develop an emotional connection with their professional name. Does it become like a nickname, which can have hold as much emotional significance as one's real name, or is it more like the name of a character in a role you are playing, which carries no emotional attachment what so ever?

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I've had the same experience of addressing and being address as a generic you.


But but that is how I am in real life as well. I rarely address my friends by their names. This is partly my lazy memory for names, a face I can typically remember.


If anything many of my memorable encounters I would be called by my nickname. And that is a joy in itself. 8-)

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Also, I'm curious to know whether MPAs and SPs ever develop an emotional connection with their professional name. Does it become like a nickname, which can have hold as much emotional significance as one's real name, or is it more like the name of a character in a role you are playing, which carries no emotional attachment what so ever?


I've had the name "Carrie" for 1/2 my life so I'm pretty attached to it :)


All my clients are named ''John".. j/k.

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I live almost 60% of the time as Annessa (corresponding to emails, answering the phone, at a date etc...) and the rest as my real name...it has become every bit a part of me as my own name....I said once before that i even turn around when I hear someone call out "Vannessa!" to someone else on the street, lol


I still react when I'm hanging out with my SP friends and someone new is introduced and I hear someone address me by my work name......its all the same.


I have even on occasion almost signed emails quickly as "Annessa" instead of my own name (which also starts with an A) to personal emails...phewf!


in the beginning, almost 2 years ago obviously it was strange but I even have a couple clients that through travel etc have learned my real name....but I still prefer them to call me by my work name....as it feels strange to change how someone has been lovingly addressing me up to that point.


for the gents....


It is actually very hard to keep note of everyones name...especially if your name is Bill but you email from a hobby-email address you've created that lists you as "joe Smith" I sometimes need to remind myself to reference their signature to the email instead of getting excited that "joe" has emailed me when I see the name pop up in my inbox....thats the only thing (besides a gent using a fake name) that plays with my memory

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