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Laidies just a reminder

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I am utterly astonished at the fact that an SP would conduct herself in such an unprofessional manner.


That is just plain tacky and totally disrespectful.


What's the old saying, "Don't call me, I'll call you".


Any SP worth her salt, knows that's how it works.


I am sitting here with Nicolette and she is just shaking her head too!


Since we don't know any other SPs who would do such a thing, we are wondering which escort finishing school they graduated from.

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Eeks, not cool! I've contacted clients I've had relationships with for 1-3 years out of the blue, but that's it and I was not asking for a date!

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Respectable and professional ladies do not call gentlemen and solicit them. Of course if you know each other well, and you have the kind of relationship where calling each other as friends was discussed and mutually agreed upon, then there's obviously an exception.


I'm both shocked and sympathetic for you over this. Not a good move on her part.

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Well I was shocked to Im sure she has seen the other threads on here about this as she is a member


I know there is probably a few that do it but yes for sure not kool

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Well I was shocked to Im sure she has seen the other threads on here about this as she is a member


I know there is probably a few that do it but yes for sure not kool


You are way too kind. Other clients might have reported her right away and not given her a second chance. I hope she's reading this and is grateful you didn't out her and she learns from her mistakes.


C'mon girl, get with the program!

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i agree other people borrow my phone when i'm out and don't want it going off don't mind if i'm on the way to see someone making sure i'm coming but not if i'm not going for a date and just ring out of the blue

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I am utterly astonished at the fact that an SP would conduct herself in such an unprofessional manner.


That is just plain tacky and totally disrespectful.


What's the old saying, "Don't call me, I'll call you".


Any SP worth her salt, knows that's how it works.


I am sitting here with Nicolette and she is just shaking her head too!


Since we don't know any other SPs who would do such a thing, we are wondering which escort finishing school they graduated from.



Either you have class or not , I don't think it can be taught ..

But Angela that was funny . "Escort finishing school".



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IIf you cant respect our privacy how can we respect yours with a text like this it makes me feel that there is desperation in the text. When there is desperation makes me wonder for what reason.


So as I said in title just a reminder to please not text unsolicated dates for me it will have me add you to the DO NOT SEE AGAIN LIST


How very rude. I guess this never occurred to me before, but WOW. How inappropriate and, as Angela says, tacky. More like, tacky, tacky, tacky.


And I KNOW thats not a course in my Escort Finishing School, I checked the curriculum! :)

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I know we have heard it befor about keeping phone numbers.


I would just ask to please not text out of the blue asking if I want to see you I'm sure it goes for most Cerbites.


I saw a lady three weeks ago I was getting ready Friday to go away and my phone went off it was the lady asking if I wanted to stop by for some fun.


I know some guys have more than one phone but no matter I don't think it is appropriate to out of the blue text looking for a date.


If you cant respect our privacy how can we respect yours with a text like this it makes me feel that there is desperation in the text. When there is desperation makes me wonder for what reason.


So as I said in title just a reminder to please not text unsolicated dates for me it will have me add you to the DO NOT SEE AGAIN LIST


I like the way you spelled Ladies! 8)

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I agree with everyone on this one....very tacky move. Yes this is a business as I always say...but in no way are we "sales-ladies"! LOL, cold-calling was one of the reasons why me and sales didnt get along...a proper business will have repeat clients without having to remind their customers that they exist.


I've had clients want me to PM them when I'm providing incalls...but calling is a whole other story! Times are tough for everyone, I'll agree...but calling someone without their permission to do so says your desperate for business. Very unattractive.

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I agree with all of you ... I don't even call back when I get some vocal message in case of ...

soliciting ... yes, she must be desesperated!


Would like to have your opinion on that one ...

I'm not sure about a situation I had ... wich is similar I guess


I have meet someone a first time ... after our nice encounter ... he used to text me few times just to talk and sent me some messages also to see when we could maybe fix an eventual "next" meeting ... but not yet so soon since he was out of the country ... it was "bothering" me, I admit! lolll


well ... I have finally meet him for a second "amazing" encounter.

The funny thing is ... now I'm the one who feel to text him like he does lolll



I'm almost sure that he's not in couple ... but what do you think ... Do you think It's as much unprofessionnal as what you were talking here? Because ... I was expecting to see him out of my business and a kind of text like : "you want to come to see me ... i miss u " is something I could have texted to him :? :oops:


My biggest mistake I guess ... was too let him charmed me that much. Was the second time in 3 years ... and hopefully the last one! :(

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Guest s******ecan****

Same thing happened to me once, after that I never wanted anything to do with her again.

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I always try to think that just because a client is single or you think he may be single, theres nothing that says that they could enter a relationship. And if you dont hear from them for a while, that could be the case....therefore texting them or calling might not be well received if their new SOP is the jealous type.


I've texted a client back before when he texted me regularly but in the end it only ended up blurring the line between business and friendship, which in turn lead to a total mess.


I can definitely understand the urge to text and I understand how rotten it feels when you feel like its being viewed as a plug for business. maybe in that case send an email or a text saying "hi there, this is totally not a plug for business but just wondering how you're doing? hows your summer going?"...no hints of him coming to see you tho or it might be looked at as a cold-call/email....but if you honestly want to know how they're doing I dont see the harm of checking up with a friend, so long as you are respectful to their privacy.



I agree with all of you but ...


I'm not sure about a situation I had ... wich is similar.


I have meet someone a first time ... after our nice encounter ... he used to text me few times just to talk and sent me some messages also to see when we could maybe fix an eventual "next" meeting ... but not yet so soon since he was out of the country ...


well ... I have finally meet him for a second "amazing" encounter.

The funny thing is ... now I'm the one who feel to text him like he does lolll



I'm almost sure that he's not in couple ... but what do you think ... Do you think It's as much unprofessionnal as what you were talking here? Because ... I was expecting to see him out of my business and a kind of text like : "you want to come to see me ... i miss u " is something I could have texted to him :? :oops:


My biggest mistake I guess ... was too let him charmed me that much. Was the second time in 3 years ... and hopefully the last one! :(

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Texting is simply another way to make a phone call. If you as an sp would not call up a client out of the blue, looking for biz or just to chat, with a phone conversation, then doing it by text is not any more OK.


An email can be opened in private, and not be viewed by anyone but the recipient, but a text just shows up. You have no idea where he is, who is he with, what he is doing, and there is simply no good excuse, whether you wish to know how he is or not.


It always comes down to one thing, when it comes to clients making appts: when they are ready (time, funds, interested), then they will contact you. Calling them up out of the blue will not make them any more available.


I only have two people I talk to with email, I would never call anyone up except to return a message. I feel mostly the same way about the emails. I will wait for contact, then reply as quickly as possible. I just feel nothing good comes out of calling people up.

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Perhaps my last message was misinterpreted. should have summed it up by saying that you can text someone just probably only do it if someone texts you a lot before and if you do text them know that it might be seen as a business plug and keep it friendly as you never know who is watching.


in the case of checking up on someone tho be very careful who you do this to as you dont want to blur the boundaries. as fortunate one said, email is best...and far less invasive.

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I always try to think that just because a client is single or you think he may be single, theres nothing that says that they could enter a relationship. And if you dont hear from them for a while, that could be the case....therefore texting them or calling might not be well received if their new SOP is the jealous type.


I've texted a client back before when he texted me regularly but in the end it only ended up blurring the line between business and friendship, which in turn lead to a total mess.


I can definitely understand the urge to text and I understand how rotten it feels when you feel like its being viewed as a plug for business. maybe in that case send an email or a text saying "hi there, this is totally not a plug for business but just wondering how you're doing? hows your summer going?"...no hints of him coming to see you tho or it might be looked at as a cold-call/email....but if you honestly want to know how they're doing I dont see the harm of checking up with a friend, so long as you are respectful to their privacy.


First ... He's the one who was texting me at every hour of the day before our second meet ... and he texted me too after the second but I told him that I don't like so much being texted like he does ... lolll


I forgot to say it was on the next day of our meeting that I've text him back ... and I do not text him anymore.


You're right Anessa ... I was feeling bad to cross my own limit ... and now I'm feeling worst because I've been un-professionnal on top! Thanks for the advice Anessa ... will never text back someone ... even I expect that I can.


Usually, I am very tight on the professionnalism ... both side. What happend to me?!!


Well, I still miss him :mrgreen: ;-)

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Dont sweat it...you had a weak moment...and he sounded like a good client, who could blame you? lol


however someone once said that we're not paid to be here....we're paid as much as we make to leave. I had a really hot client once in Toronto..he made tonnes of cash but was soooo sweet and had that attractive salt n pepper look...treated me like his girlfriend, like we were on a date etc....I asked him "why on earth would YOU need to hobby?" and he said hated the pressure of dating...hating to call the girl the next day...would basically freeze and never talk to the girl again if she called him the next day etc etc....


in a situation like that...how would the guy feel if he heard from the SP the next day?? lol






First ... He's the one who was texting me at every hour of the day before our second meet ... and he texted me too after the second but I told him that I don't like so much being texted like he does ... lolll


I forgot to say it was on the next day of our meeting that I've text him back ... and I do not text him anymore.


You're right Anessa ... I was feeling bad to cross my own limit ... and now I'm feeling worst because I've been un-professionnal on top! Thanks for the advice Anessa ... will never text back someone ... even I expect that I can.


Usually, I am very tight on the professionnalism ... both side. What happend to me?!!


Well, I still miss him :mrgreen: ;-)

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Yes ladies...once in awhile a perfectly wonderful gent comes along and likes to text you. It thrills me to receive those texts and to return in kind. Sometimes I find myself wishing he would text so that I could in return. But yet, never would I be the one to initiate the texting marathon!

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Now there is a caveat here... my situation allows me to be texted, emailed, phoned or messaged.


Over the last couple of days I have had a couple of texts from an old reg and the current reg... and it was much as Annessa described, a "Hi, just wanted to see how you were doing.... yadda yadda yadda."


I was happy to see the texts, but again it wasn't an outright plug. In my situation it was like a friend contacting a friend... and I know that it was also a subtle "I still think of you, do you want to get together," BUT... the texts were innocent enough to be discounted were they discovered by an SO.


Given that I am currently unencumbered by an SO, the texts really brightened my day. That's the converse view. It wasn't a blatant "Go to the ATM, get my fee and come over," it was as has been said, "Hi, how are you doing... miss you!"


So, I guess the bottom line is, if you are aware of the audience and have the confidence that it is okay, texting is fine... at least for some!

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