Guest N***he**Ont**y Report post Posted January 15, 2015 Since I have been here I have met a few lovely ladies over the past 3 years there has been one thing that irks me. It is the sharing of emails addresses that some ladies share with other ladies and out of the blue I get an email from a total stranger announcing a date of arrival in My Town Ontario and asking if I would like to see them.Now I have always used an email address for registering on some web sites of certain ladies and I start to get spammed by other ladies unknown to me . This seems to be continuing even now. Gentlemen what is your take on this? Does this happen to you too? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrgreen760 37785 Report post Posted January 15, 2015 This hasn't happened to me but that might be because of my low profile and the fact I see/ have seen only one or two traveling girls ever. Peace MG Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrrnice2 157005 Report post Posted January 15, 2015 This has never happened to me either. I am on only one persons email list and would actually like to be on a few more. I have never had an unsolicited email contact and even in PM's I get a few hellos from women commenting on something that I have written, but never a solicitation. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ice4fun 78407 Report post Posted January 15, 2015 This has never happened to me and I would be very surprised, actually shocked, if any of the ladies I have seen would share any of my personal information including my email without my approval. Now that said the hobby email I use is very secure so I really don't have a problem giving it out to pretty much any lady who wants it... advance notice of a tour is great in my books. Just my Opinion Sent from my Passport using Tapatalk Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest D***el B***e Report post Posted January 15, 2015 Well isn't that an interesting thread. It's very similar to this thread except the roles are reversed. It's fine to blame the gents for their indiscretion but the same holds through apparently for a number of ladies as well. It's happened to me in the past but not by email, it was an unexpected text that came in at a most inappropriate time and I got into a bit of problems with my SO. IMO whether it's text or email it lacks in common sense. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EmilyRushton 253380 Report post Posted January 15, 2015 Well isn't that an interesting thread. It's very similar to this thread except the roles are reversed. It's fine to blame the gents for their indiscretion but the same holds through apparently for a number of ladies as well. It's happened to me in the past but not by email, it was an unexpected text that came in at a most inappropriate time and I got into a bit of problems with my SO. IMO whether it's text or email it lacks in common sense. Hold on here one second, sending an email is one thing, but actually thinking of or approaching someone in public is a COMPLETELY different thing. I started that thread, because the person in question (WHOM I DO NOT KNOW) made me uncomfortable and crossed the line. You commented on that thread that you saw nothing wrong with walking up to a "Lady" in public - do you know how many steps of wrong that is - you expect discretion yet you don't provide it in return. (your post clearly validates that) Do you ever think for one moment that when you send off a text to a "Lady" that there may be repercussions? Not every "Lady" can be trusted nor practices discretion. Its been seen time and time again and texting should be at your own risk - I don't text and I won't text anyone ever. I use email for communication, if you contact me and want to know of my travels you will then be advised of them in the future. I have, in the past sent out a newsletter for other ladies visiting certain areas (small markets). I have never divulged anyones info on the mail out, except for how to contact the lady who is touring and her details. I have never had an issue with this as it is an email from me - I would NEVER give anyones info to anyone to spam - that is wrong. 6 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kyra.Graves 23779 Report post Posted January 15, 2015 Well isn't that an interesting thread. It's very similar to this thread except the roles are reversed. It's fine to blame the gents for their indiscretion but the same holds through apparently for a number of ladies as well. It's happened to me in the past but not by email, it was an unexpected text that came in at a most inappropriate time and I got into a bit of problems with my SO. IMO whether it's text or email it lacks in common sense. I am not sure how these relate but there are several threads that address your concern. In general approaching anyone in public is considered poor form, whether it be a client introducing himself to a companion or a companion saying hello to a (potential?) client. In the instance of email or text the person receiving the message really needs to be responsible for security on their device, a person sending a message cannot control who has access to your device or messages on it and holding them responsible for that is going to lead you to some problems. Assuming that an email will be responded to when you wish it to be will not work, every person has a different working model. I respond to emails in approximately 24hrs if it is time sensitive and within a week if it is a request that is for a month or more out. My suitors are aware of this and understand that sometimes I am travelling, at my other work or simply unavailable at times and will respond when I am able, they also know that I have an assistant (it is on my website) that will respond to anything urgent. Some ladies will respond within an hour or so and if they cannot respond within that time frame they will not message back, this is usually because they schedule their dates for the same day and within a much shorter time frame so responding a day later is literally a day late and a dollar short. If you have your email sent to your phone it is your responsibility to ensure that this does not come up on your screen, to have a password on your phone or to simply log into your email to access it rather than having it download automatically. As for text, while I do not use text so I cannot speak for the ladies that book in this method again it is the clients responsibility to ensure the text is not visible to anyone else, there are privacy settings for this. In addition it is helpful to always include additional information in your text, to identify when you are sending the text or a day and time you would like to be reached back at and if they cannot respond by that time to please not respond. Now many people may think of this as excess but you cannot blame the person receiving a text for responding if you do not communicate your preferences for response, they may or may not respond in a time frame you find acceptable as they do not know what you consider acceptable. In addition even if there was such a thing as "standard acceptable time frame" (there is not) all phones when off don't receive text messages, then any phone I have had when I turn it on I suddenly get a bunch of messages all downloading at once... with the same time/date stamp so I do not know when it is sent unless the person says "Hey it is wed night." Now back to our regularly scheduled program. :) OP, is it possible that you have reached out to someone that works with an agency or a booking service? They can sometimes maintain their own mailing list and will notify you of any lady visiting the area not just the one you met with previously. 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest D***el B***e Report post Posted January 15, 2015 I think I'll stay out of those discussions from now on. It seem everything I say is constantly being misinterpreted or blown out of proportion. Apologies if I didn't express myself properly. Hold on here one second, sending an email is one thing, but actually thinking of or approaching someone in public is a COMPLETELY different thing. I started that thread, because the person in question (WHOM I DO NOT KNOW) made me uncomfortable and crossed the line. You commented on that thread that you saw nothing wrong with walking up to a "Lady" in public - do you know how many steps of wrong that is - you expect discretion yet you don't provide it in return. (your post clearly validates that) Do you ever think for one moment that when you send off a text to a "Lady" that there may be repercussions? Not every "Lady" can be trusted nor practices discretion. Its been seen time and time again and texting should be at your own risk - I don't text and I won't text anyone ever. I use email for communication, if you contact me and want to know of my travels you will then be advised of them in the future. I have, in the past sent out a newsletter for other ladies visiting certain areas (small markets). I have never divulged anyones info on the mail out, except for how to contact the lady who is touring and her details. I have never had an issue with this as it is an email from me - I would NEVER give anyones info to anyone to spam - that is wrong. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest N***he**Ont**y Report post Posted January 15, 2015 Just to be clear on this I am not registered with any agency as far as I know. I do not make use of any agency local or otherwise. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roamingguy 300292 Report post Posted January 15, 2015 I've never gotten spam emails from ladies. Gawd I have to beg borrow and steal to get one to email me LOL. I have received mailings from ladies, but only after I subscribe to the mailings. Yes I'm so lonely I subscribe to email mailings just so someone will talk to me LOL I find more spam emails from on line pharmacies selling Viagra from Mexico cheap, or women wanting dates and it turns into a link to a porn site, things like that. Just go to email settings, block the email address and that's it. Honestly, the question of texting someone confuses me. Phoning a client out of the blue, yes, indiscrete and shouldn't be done. I've even had ladies who want a phone call and I email what is a good time/day/date. Don't want her getting a phone call if family/friends around. But both in the case of text and email, it's read only. So as long as you have a phone password protected, just yours (not a community phone) I can't see the problem. And if being texted out of the blue would be an issue for someone they should let ladies they contact know that. Unless there is something in the picture I'm missing As for approaching a companion in public, never, never, never would I. She may appear to be alone but maybe family/friends might be nearby and they could see her if approached by someone and start asking her questions later. Safest bet is if you see someone, lady or gent alike, don't publically acknowledge them...but maybe later send a text or email saying words to the effect "I saw you, wasn't being rude, was being discrete" Anyhow, a rambling RG 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Report post Posted January 17, 2015 I think when peoples freedom to make informed choices is not considered; there's the possibility of someone not liking the choice that was made for them. I think it's always safe to not assume, for example: If I have the email, phone number, etc, of a client, he will be okay with me sharing it with my friend(s) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fortunateone 156618 Report post Posted January 18, 2015 Just to be clear on this I am not registered with any agency as far as I know. I do not make use of any agency local or otherwise. You are on forums like this tho? I know I don't usually try to contact forum members by email, but on the first one i joined, it did have the option unless you turn off the setting. So I would be able to go to a person's profile and choose to contact them by email or pm. It is entirely possible as well that you are in an escort's email history when she worked under a different name, which she failed to put into her message. I can't think of any situations where escorts who know each other have the time or desire to share email client lists with each other for any reason. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ice4fun 78407 Report post Posted January 18, 2015 I can't think of any situations where escorts who know each other have the time or desire to share email client lists with each other for any reason. I agree i can't really see why a lady would do that unless the client agreed... if she does it she risks upsetting a client and impacting her business Just my Opinion Sent from my Passport using Tapatalk Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Midnite-Energies 110563 Report post Posted January 18, 2015 In Canada it is also illegal to email anyone who had not specifically given permission to do so. It's part of the anti spam legislation and has stiff fees. Email lists fall under this as well. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest N***he**Ont**y Report post Posted January 18, 2015 Would not it be considered implied consent if you had prior communication with the previous emailer? I know the law has changed but it might be implied that you consented to other contact by associated parties. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andee 220524 Report post Posted January 18, 2015 I don't believe this is a common practice among companions (to share email addresses). If you think someone is sharing your email address, perhaps take it with them and ask them to kindly cease from doing so. 7 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Midnite-Energies 110563 Report post Posted January 18, 2015 Not that I know a lot about mailer lists but usually there is a a form that gets sent to confirm your acceptance on being on it. This is the consent needed. People can't just collect addresses and add them anymore. I can buy something somewhere and if they ask for my email and I provide it, it's considered consent but there is also a log of the transaction it was attached to. The couple mail lists I looked in to involved a confirmation email of some sort. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Report post Posted January 18, 2015 I also want to write something as a side point. Since it would seem that a couple of gentlemen would like to receive emails from escorts. I never send my clients random emails, even though some of my clients have explicitly expressed that they would like this, for various reasons: 1) I am a busy girl. I have various activities that I deem important to me. This may include answering multiple emails and maintaining my business. Sometimes I can spend hours alone doing this. The pressure to then send multiple personal emails, would greatly increase my work load. 2) I don't know who, what, or where the client is at the moment and if they would like a random email or not. I would have to construct a special contact list and it would be more work in general, as some people I see regularly and some I don't. Each person has little details that make them unique and I would have to carefully construct each email to include those details. Rather than doing this, I have a mailing list, where people can choose to sign up, or not. I will send important/interesting information through my mailing list. That includes visits to other areas. I encourage clients to respond to these emails and give opinions, etc. 3) I encourage clients to email me greetings, hello's, etc, and don't mind this. I feel if the client initiates the conversation, I have the green light to be chatty. The last thing I want to do is unintentionally overstep my boundaries (even if the client has expressed he's okay with this). I always say that I prefer to get to know someone a little before meeting them, anyway. As always each companion runs her business differently. This is only my opinion and my views on sending personal emails. I'm not saying that anyone is pressuring anyone in this thread to send personal emails. I just wanted to point out that an escort may really enjoy spending time with her clients, but may not have the time to consistently send personal emails. And I don't communicate via text... Back to the topic at hand. I agree with Angela 100%. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest *l**e Report post Posted January 18, 2015 this does not apply for my cerb friends unless they specifically ask, but in my massage biz, if someone has come to see me via my ads on other sites. in the days/weeks, following our first appt, I send them an email to inquire if they were happy with my service and let them know I will at that point add them to my mailing list (for specials and sched) unless they don't want me to. With each subsequent monthly mailout, there is an option to be removed from the mail list. That said, I have never and would never give out any of my clients' info to anyone ever, and I would be very upset if someone shared my info (other than for referral purposes) with anyone, ever. I have never known any ladies to do this at all; I find it quite odd, actually. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fortunateone 156618 Report post Posted January 18, 2015 i don't think you necessarily have to give consent to a first email, but when the sender is contacted by you saying stop, then they have to stop. it is like the telemarketers Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ice4fun 78407 Report post Posted January 19, 2015 i don't think you necessarily have to give consent to a first email, but when the sender is contacted by you saying stop, then they have to stop. it is like the telemarketers The new law came into effect on July 1st, 2014 and it prohibits people from sending unsolicited emails and social media messages to others. You can continue to use email if you have express or implied consent from recipients. During the 36-month transition period, you can continue to use your current email list if you have previously provided your products or services to them and they haven't told you to stop. Just my Opinion Sent from my Passport using Tapatalk 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Miss Jessica Lee 43328 Report post Posted January 19, 2015 Since I have been here I have met a few lovely ladies over the past 3 years there has been one thing that irks me. It is the sharing of emails addresses that some ladies share with other ladies and out of the blue I get an email from a total stranger announcing a date of arrival in My Town Ontario and asking if I would like to see them.Now I have always used an email address for registering on some web sites of certain ladies and I start to get spammed by other ladies unknown to me . This seems to be continuing even now. Gentlemen what is your take on this? Does this happen to you too? I tour all over that area and never have I run into anyone offering me email addresses of their clients. The only place I know of that lists client emails and numbers is the BCL. It is strange that nobody else is experiencing this phenomenon. Have you asked her/them where she/they got your contact info? 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest N***he**Ont**y Report post Posted January 19, 2015 I tour all over that area and never have I run into anyone offering me email addresses of their clients. The only place I know of that lists client emails and numbers is the BCL. It is strange that nobody else is experiencing this phenomenon. Have you asked her/them where she/they got your contact info? No I have not. I don't respond to unsolicitated emails from unknown. The email address used is for site registrations only now. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fortunateone 156618 Report post Posted January 20, 2015 No I have not. I don't respond to unsolicitated emails from unknown. The email address used is for site registrations only now. I would just suggest you visit the escort sites you are on, check your settings and switch off the email contact if there is one on each site. i am on SEA and it is an older site, and people can send me emails via that site if they are logged in and visit my profile. send pm or send email options are there. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites