Meg O'Ryan 266445 Report post Posted June 15, 2010 In another thread, Sara confessed that she is prone to tripping. I too have that problem. I can trip over a line in the floor for crying out loud! I have had many fantabulous (yes, I like to make up words) falls but my most recent trip was very sad indeed. Those of you who have been to my incall location may be able to visualize the scenario. As I was exiting the master bedroom, with my much loved camera in my hands, I stumbled and it flew out of my hand and right over the railing. It smashed into pieces at the bottom of the stairs! I really do need to learn how to walk :) Are there any other poor souls out there with this affliction? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jg24 3708 Report post Posted June 15, 2010 Ah and I thought when you did that last time you were just falling into my arms Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
A***** A***** 510 Report post Posted June 15, 2010 I remember the nasty winters in the Yukon, along with the cold and ice, came slipping on my ass, every block for six blocks. Down I would go, and up again. It must have looked so stupid I just had to laugh at myself:lol: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest S**a*Q Report post Posted June 15, 2010 Hahaha, I live in the basement where I'm at... and the second last step is booby-trapped. It's a bit higher than the rest and I NEVER remember. So I always trip and fall up the last stairs... Like I just did, about 10 minutes ago, luckily my hands know what to do when my feet fail me. My coffee did not survive the crash though... *Clean up on aisle S* :P Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
travisp69live 100 Report post Posted June 15, 2010 I have my fair share of trips, but my biggest problem is walking into things. I don't know how many times I've walked out my office door and smashed my shoulder squarely on the door frame. Nothing is safe... tables, desks, kids toys... they all get kicked/run into/tripped over... I might have to start paying attention to where I'm walking if this keeps up... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nicolette Vaughn 294340 Report post Posted June 15, 2010 Meg, I have the exact same type of hardwood staircase in my house as yours and I was running down the stairs to answer the door, slipped and fell down the stairs. Luckily I only hurt my shoulder. It could have been worse. It's not the first time though. My cats would run down the stairs in front of me and once tripped me. I sprained my ankle that time. I am also a klutz at times. In another thread, Sara confessed that she is prone to tripping. I too have that problem. I can trip over a line in the floor for crying out loud!I have had many fantabulous (yes, I like to make up words) falls but my most recent trip was very sad indeed. Those of you who have been to my incall location may be able to visualize the scenario. As I was exiting the master bedroom, with my much loved camera in my hands, I stumbled and it flew out of my hand and right over the railing. It smashed into pieces at the bottom of the stairs! I really do need to learn how to walk :) Are there any other poor souls out there with this affliction? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bucken 1479 Report post Posted June 15, 2010 As I was exiting the master bedroom, with my much loved camera in my hands, I stumbled and it flew out of my hand and right over the railing. It smashed into pieces at the bottom of the stairs! Meg, better the camera than you.... Be safe.... :) And watchout with socks on those floors... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pipercub 795 Report post Posted June 16, 2010 Hey Meg I will make a point of waiting at the bottom of the stairs to catch you if you fall.:smile: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest f***2f*** Report post Posted June 16, 2010 Sorry to hear of all the mishaps...Meg that sucks about your camera and Sara be careful I want you in one piece when I get to TB! I can get klutzy too...because I'm tall I'm forever hitting my head on low hanging light fixtures and every car made today is low slung so inevitably I bang my head on the top of the door frame as I try to fold myself into the car....sheesh!!:( Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dorinda Bloom 44036 Report post Posted June 16, 2010 One time I was carrying a big bowl of pickled beets to add to a salad bar where I was waitressing...I tripped on the carpet and beets went EVERYWHERE!!! My boss was really "seeing red" heehee!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andee 220524 Report post Posted June 16, 2010 Yep...I am a klutz...I bang into furniture, door frames, etc. I trip, sometimes fall, but often just end up crashing into things and knocking them over. Just ask Carrie. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
E.D. man 691 Report post Posted June 16, 2010 yes I have fallen 3 times with injury since 2000, injuring the same left ankle , discs and nerves , needing physio therapy, which has cost me money and hobbying, most recently was easter weekend falling over a curb at wallmart in Langley B.C., but the injury did not show up a week later with a soar back and a nice big swollen anle. So yes help teach me too walk!!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
theliquor (Lost but not fo 50595 Report post Posted June 16, 2010 Please put me in the master category of Klutz King. I have ruined an ottoman, with a hot pot, spaghetti sauce just off the oven, "forgot" the half step between the kitchen and family room, and down I went, missed the bottle of single malt on the table, but the ottoman went to the dump! Thank God I saved the single malt!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
masterowls 249 Report post Posted June 16, 2010 In another thread, Sara confessed that she is prone to tripping. I too have that problem. I can trip over a line in the floor for crying out loud!I have had many fantabulous (yes, I like to make up words) falls but my most recent trip was very sad indeed. Those of you who have been to my incall location may be able to visualize the scenario. As I was exiting the master bedroom, with my much loved camera in my hands, I stumbled and it flew out of my hand and right over the railing. It smashed into pieces at the bottom of the stairs! I really do need to learn how to walk :) Are there any other poor souls out there with this affliction? Dear Meg, because I'm in a wheelchair I can't exactly trip. I do however have a story that may make you feel a little less clumsy. I used to live in Kimberly, which has an open air shopping area paved with bricks. My wheelchair is controlled by a joystick which is mounted on an arm which swings away to allow a caregiver to transfer me. One day I was driving my wheelchair in the shopping area, and I hit a large bump. The swing arm accidentally disengaged, causing me to make an instant left hand turn, right into a concrete building. Since I was traveling at about 8.5 miles an hour, the net result was a broken leg in pretty serious damage to my wheelchair. I spent the next six weeks trying to explain how a person in a wheelchair winds up with a broken leg. Talk about embarrassing. LOL Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andee 220524 Report post Posted June 17, 2010 Dear Meg,because I'm in a wheelchair I can't exactly trip. I do however have a story that may make you feel a little less clumsy. I used to live in Kimberly, which has an open air shopping area paved with bricks. My wheelchair is controlled by a joystick which is mounted on an arm which swings away to allow a caregiver to transfer me. One day I was driving my wheelchair in the shopping area, and I hit a large bump. The swing arm accidentally disengaged, causing me to make an instant left hand turn, right into a concrete building. Since I was traveling at about 8.5 miles an hour, the net result was a broken leg in pretty serious damage to my wheelchair. I spent the next six weeks trying to explain how a person in a wheelchair winds up with a broken leg. Talk about embarrassing. LOL A friend of mine with CP was trying to navigate a sidewalk and missed the sloping down part and ended up falling face down on the pavement and broke both legs and his nose which were not "diagnosed" by 2 hospitals in Ottawa (it made the news). It was over a week later that his own family physician looked at xrays and spotted the breaks after he insisted a family member take him "again' because the pain was so unbearable. So, yes it can happen and can have devastating effects. I often joke about bumping into things, but when we get hurt, that's another matter. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
masterowls 249 Report post Posted June 17, 2010 That has also happened to me in the past. Although thankfully I landed sideways. The worst that ever happened from an accident like that, was a concussion and some memory loss both immediately before, and about two days after the accident. Because of that I used to wear a helmet to prevent future accidents from damaging my brain. I probably still should, but I don't. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
777flyer 1612 Report post Posted June 18, 2010 While I am not typically accident prone, recently I had a fall that caused me some pain, alot of embarassment and was funny as hell. I enjoy riding my bicycle, and was happily peddling my heart out, when I approached 3 young girls, perhaps all of 11 years old each........ I went off the path, onto the grass and as I was about to get back on the path, i hit a dip and before I knew it, my sunglasses went south, my Ipod East, bicycle west and me somewhere in the middle....all this right smack in front of the girls.... To say they laughed themselves silly, is an understatement....... I quickly gathered all my belongings and rode home...wasn't till I actually got home that I realize I had a nasty gash on my elbow, which required some medical attention and a tetanus shot......... None the wore for wear....but now ALOT wiser when getting BACK onto the bicycle path..... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nicolette Vaughn 294340 Report post Posted June 18, 2010 I stubbed my foot at the end of my bed this morning. Picture me jumping around holding my foot cursing and Damn Ikea beds. They also have sharp corners on the foot board that I have on my bed. I smashed my knee into that one time as well.:sad: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Meg O'Ryan 266445 Report post Posted August 6, 2010 Well, I have decided that I will donate my brain to medical science so that they can once and for all determine the cause of extreme clumsiness. The Urgent Care Clinic is going to put my name on a chair in the waiting room! It appears that I have a stress fracture in my foot. I swear....the only way that I know I am actually alive is to ensure that pain is present! Now, I DO NOT exercise but after a few drinks downtown and a missed bus at Place d'Orleans, we decided that we could walk....not a great idea in flip-flops. 50mins got us to the first bar, where I sang a mean couple of karaoke songs, and then 50mins home. Was told that I should match my footwear to my activities LOL Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Carrie Moon 68826 Report post Posted August 6, 2010 50mins got us to the first bar, where I sang a mean couple of karaoke songs, and then 50mins home. You sang karaoke (carrie-oke) without me???? you get a spanking my dear. Seriously though... take some homeopathic arnica asap.. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Meg O'Ryan 266445 Report post Posted August 6, 2010 You sang karaoke (carrie-oke) without me???? you get a spanking my dear... I am bent over and waiting :) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bucken 1479 Report post Posted August 6, 2010 I am bent over and waiting :) Now there is a lovely image to get me through the weekend.... :exagerefesses: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roamingguy 300292 Report post Posted August 7, 2010 Many moons ago I went fishing with a friend of mine. We headed for this back bay, I go up and deploy the trolling motor. Well dumb me, while the trolling motor is going into the water, my hand still holding the cord, I lean over a little too far and loose my balance and go into the water There were no secrets that day, my (so called LOL) friend had to tell everyone. And in the spring of the year, the water is DAMN cold and when your wearing layers of clothing for cold temps, you weigh a ton when your in the drink RG Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
whatsup 11893 Report post Posted August 7, 2010 I am bent over and waiting :) Wowser Meg! What a lovely site that would be. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest S**a*Q Report post Posted August 7, 2010 Many moons ago I went fishing with a friend of mine. We headed for this back bay, I go up and deploy the trolling motor. Well dumb me, while the trolling motor is going into the water, my hand still holding the cord, I lean over a little too far and loose my balance and go into the waterThere were no secrets that day, my (so called LOL) friend had to tell everyone. And in the spring of the year, the water is DAMN cold and when your wearing layers of clothing for cold temps, you weigh a ton when your in the drink RG Haha I totally thought of my dad doing something similar to this when I was younger, but he didn't fall in.... He stands up, to restart the motor, pulls the rip cord on the motor, *(We assume that the motor was poorly attached) I hear "Glug Glug Glug..." Lol I look up to see dad with a confused look on his face following the stream of bubbles... Hahaha. We had stopped and were casting along a weed bed, but it was freaking deep. Lol, we did get the motor back though, as the whole family snorkles, so we went back to get it the next day Lol! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites