etasman2000 15994 Report post Posted June 17, 2010 Your right about everything except one don't have to have a certain amount of posts to write a reco...i mean look in the Atlantic section...haha some of the ladies there have reco's from gents that just joined.. mod changed that recently to avoid shrill recommendations. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andee 220524 Report post Posted June 17, 2010 Your right about everything except one don't have to have a certain amount of posts to write a reco...i mean look in the Atlantic section...haha some of the ladies there have reco's from gents that just joined.. The mod said they need 5 posts - check this out: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
etasman2000 15994 Report post Posted June 17, 2010 The mod said they need 5 posts - I need to find the thread... lol....i was looking for it too. Here it is. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Emma Alexandra 123368 Report post Posted June 17, 2010 well ...ummm somethings wrong somewhere then..with my computer that is..damn thing is driving me insane.. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
toine 30556 Report post Posted June 17, 2010 Well, here is my two cents on the topic of this thread: I frequently find myself not wanting to write a reco as I feel 'everything as been said'; as well, as a mere technocrat, I don't have much style in writing, so I know I cannot write a great reco as some other CERB members can (you know who they are). On the other hand, I can see the value of adding to the reco thread of an SP, even when that thread is filled with enthusiastic and well-written reco's. Why? Because it does bring that thread up on top of the list, so to speak, and it would reassure nervous nellies (and they ARE out here in numbers) that the SP still brings the same energy and enthusiasm to an encounter as she was six or twelve months ago. Personal opinion as well: pressure on either side regarding writing a reco is distasteful, whether that pressure is explicit or implicit, and I try to refrain from bringing the topic during an encounter. Yet again, I can see why some CERB members will suggest (at the concluding stage of an encounter?) to new people in the industry that they become aware of CERB, and join in, for all the benefits this great board offers. Thanks for reading! toine Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest W***ledi*Time Report post Posted June 17, 2010 well ...ummm somethings wrong somewhere then..with my computer that is..damn thing is driving me insane.. Mine shows the same thing as yours does, Emma. Facts are facts. My theory is that one cannot post a new reco thread without first having the minimum number of posts to one's credit. But one can definitely post a reco on an existing thread with one's first-ever post (it was just done today on an Ottawa thread, for example -- which is definitely after the policy change that mod announced three weeks ago). Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Isabella Gia (Banned) 53881 Report post Posted June 17, 2010 I think there is no obligation for the client to write a reco. As the ones who provide the service we choose how much effort we put, however, just like in any other business the more effort you put the more costumers return and not only that but tell others to go to you . Also keep in mind not everyone feels comfortable writing them as consider the moment with any woman sp or not private and for that reason find disrespectful to share details about it. One other thing is from my perspective not all the men decide who to see based on recommendations as from what I have read in other threads and think that way myself, what/who someone likes a lot is not someone else's style so don't let the not getting recent recommendations bother you, guys will notice you and see who you are based on pictures, posts, etc. :) Joeblow ... I have regulars who have never written a reco on me something like what 777flyer mentioned, I not only respect their reasons but enjoy seeing them every time and try to give the best of me. I'd never ask for one, consider it tacky and for what I read from cheektocheek's opinion guys don't like when they are asked. I however understand where you are coming from as I need to feel motivated/appreciated to give more at whatever it is I'm doing. So, my advice to you is if you don't feel that way with some (hopefully very few) of the men you have met then don't see them anymore and you will feel much better. If you just are annoyed then as Annessa suggested maybe is best for you take a little break or go back home and work from there if you feel the problem is only in Ottawa. Also the word you use to refer to yourself is not respectful, in order for others to respect us we have to respect ourselves first, just my opinion, no intention to offend anyone. best of luck to you :) Oh and sorry for not quoting, no clue how to do it :oops: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PistolPete 61421 Report post Posted June 17, 2010 The topic and your question, I have a couple of views on the topic "recommendations" a) If I have seen a lady for the 1st time I probably given her my recommendation to others through the section, with her permission of course. I have had encounters where I have asked verbally and never got a response so I simply did not add to her rec's or create one. b)If I seen her a couple more times, yes I would add to my comments and to her recommendation to "bump her status" I don't think there is anything wrong with that. c)If I have seen her more then a couple of times, like a few times, I would not comment anymore, others would think "Why does he keep posting about her?" Lastly I don't think I have a special status here. I write it as I see it, and how the encounter played out.I don't have a knack for writing rec's, I simply write how I felt,how the lady felt and usually it was all excellent. I write the recommendation in partnership with the special lady, if she wants anything edited it is done. Recommendations are important to the ladies so I have never have felt strong armed into it. Some recommendations may come across distasteful, and I would be one the first to admit that some of mine were of the naughty nature, and I have a good portion completed in a sensual standard probably more appropriate for viewing audience??. But the fact remains we are all sexual creatures, enjoying the entire different aspects of creating new sexual experiences. I have experienced light domination, duo's,MMF and MMFF and they were aspects of my sexual experience that I shared with board members here. If you engage with a lady and she has given your blessing to write a recommendation, I say do so. It does mean a degree of validation to a lady, you just spent and hour or more with, I'm sure she will feel pretty good about it. If more gents like Xracer 86 in his earlier thread states he will now add to recs, that gets more members involved, helps the ladies that pour their heart and souls making us happy men. Thanks! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest W***ledi*Time Report post Posted June 17, 2010 For me, even more helpful than reading recommendations from the guys (although recos are definitely important) is reading the interesting and personable postings and words of the ladies themselves. It has made it easy for me to find wonderful ladies -- who are also of the right mindset to be able to also put up with me. A couple of my happiest liaisons have been with ladies I would not have "looked at" twice, had my choices been based solely on their websites or other ads, or even on their recos. It was their personalities as revealed on the Cerb forums that captured my interest in the first place. Likewise, some ladies with plenty of Cerb recos hold no interest for me, also based on their behaviour in the Cerb forums. I highly encourage anyone who has shared a good time with a lady to write about it, because Cerb is all about sharing. But please: Don't write a reco because you've been strong-armed into it, or feel pressured to do so. That's just not fair to anyone! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Emma Alexandra 123368 Report post Posted June 17, 2010 For me, even more helpful than reading recommendations from the guys (although recos are definitely important) is reading the interesting and personable postings and words of the ladies themselves. It has made it easy for me to find wonderful ladies -- who are also of the right mindset to be able to also put up with me. A couple of my happiest liaisons have been with ladies I would not have "looked at" twice, had my choices been based solely on their websites or other ads, or even on their recos. It was their personalities as revealed on the Cerb forums that captured my interest in the first place. Likewise, some ladies with plenty of Cerb recos hold no interest for me, also based on their behaviour in the Cerb forums. I highly encourage anyone who has shared a good time with a lady to write about it, because Cerb is all about sharing. But please: Don't write a reco because you've been strong-armed into it, or feel pressured to do so. That's just not fair to anyone! Your very right WIT. The same goes for me as in what the gent has to say in his posts. I can Tell if I would like him as a client or not. There are a few gents I Would like to meet based on what they have to say n others I wouldn't like to see Based on the same. Lol Posted via Mobile Device 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wade 101 Report post Posted June 17, 2010 You introduced me to CERB I met with you twice last November. Our time together was perfect. I wrote a complimentary post after our meeting as I wasn't quite sure about my way around the board at the time. You disappeared for a while and I am glad to see your back. This is an addictive hobby that's expensive. And yes you are more than worth it!!! Will have to work some overtime so I can play again soon. You are a very popular person here on CERB that in itself is a pretty good RECO. SEE YOU SOON! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andee 220524 Report post Posted June 17, 2010 Even a quick note of adoration or acknowledgement on an SPs guestbook, to me is worth the same (if not more) than a reco. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Reddog01 30280 Report post Posted June 17, 2010 Grass Hopper et al: Please don?t judge Ottawa negatively from your recent experience (You might guess I am from Ottawa). Those who know better have offered some advice on this thread. I hope you just needed to vent a bit and that?s ok, we are all human and we all need to be ?stroked? occasionally. Give Ottawa a fair shake and I hope things turn around for you. There are some great guys living here that would love to meet you, myself included. (At least I think I am a great guy...maybe you will have a chance to make your own judgement about me some day). Hobbyist recommendations are great on their own merit but they are not the ?be all, end all?. After all we all have our own preferences. A good reco might cause me to sit up and take notice but I put a lot of weight on impressions I determine after reading an SP?s comments on the various threads, her tone and attitude, her posted pictures (yep, I am visual) and the way that an SP presents herself on her own website. The whole package builds an impression and then I will decide whether or not to pursue a rendezvous. From what I see so far, with my short time in this community, are hobbeyists looking for a GFE built on mutual trust, certainly more than "slam bam thank you ma'm." Hope we continue to benefit from your contributions. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SmartnSexy 2089 Report post Posted June 17, 2010 Mine shows the same thing as yours does, Emma. Facts are facts. My theory is that one cannot post a new reco thread without first having the minimum number of posts to one's credit. But one can definitely post a reco on an existing thread with one's first-ever post (it was just done today on an Ottawa thread, for example -- which is definitely after the policy change that mod announced three weeks ago). I think it has to do with posting an actual reco, not just posting in a reco thread. I'm reasonably certain that Emma saw my reco in Atlantic thread, saw my post count and put 2 and 2 together. I did in fact try to create a new thread, just to see what it looked like, never having created one myself. When that didn't work I just posted in an already existing thread on that particular SP. When I posted the option for ratings came up and I did so and ensured the checkbox was in the state that would show the ratings (I can't remember if it was checked or unchecked, it's late, give me a break :)) and when the post was approved it still showed up as a normal non-rated post. So I believe MOD's changes are working fine, it's just that you can still post a basic reply in a reco thread instead of a "reco" reply. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mod 135642 Report post Posted June 17, 2010 One can definitely post a reco on an existing thread with one's first-ever post (it was just done today on an Ottawa thread, for example -- which is definitely after the policy change that mod announced three weeks ago). Correct. A new member can post a comment on a existing recommendation but can not start a NEW recommendation. This stops fake new members from posting SHILL recommendations (a problem we have caught a few times now). It's much harder to get 5+ posts over 5+ days in order to qualify to post a new recommendation and this is just too much work usually for someone who just wishes to post a SHILL. It's a simple solution and makes the recommendations just a little more credible. As for the subject of this thread... (Why should I write a reco if everything has been said???) Posting a comment on a ladies existing recommendation is a thoughtful thing to do for her! It BUMPS the recommendation for her to the main recommendation page, it ads her recommendation in the "New Posts" section (a nice reminder for many to keep her on the must see lists) and also shows a nice sign of appreciation that helps boost the ladies popularity! Reputation like this for the lady is VERY helpful. We don't want the same people purposely bumping recommendations however so a ongoing number of new recommendation comments on an existing recommendation makes it more and more credible and if it's just a bunch of 5 post count members talking about the same lady it's pretty easy to spot the less genuine recommendations! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
etasman2000 15994 Report post Posted June 17, 2010 Correct. A new member can post a comment on a existing recommendation but can not start a NEW recommendation. Yikes! I miss-recall this difference. Appologize for any confusion I cause. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GHT 798 Report post Posted June 17, 2010 I place a high value on recommendations. They have served me well in steering me towards some wonderful ladies. I write recos on occasion to give back to this great community but also as sort of a gift to the special ladies. It feels good and right to do it. Some of the members here post well written and entertaining recos. Thankyou I enjoy them. Myself I don't have the skill (or the time) to do so, but that's not stopping me and it shouldn't stop anyone. I'd very much like to see recos from low post count members along the lines of: "I saw XXXX. Had a great time and would recommend her." It doesn't have to be any more complicated than that. In this way you've cast a vote in effect and you're vote is as valid as anyones. Generally it seems to be a small population of members posting recos. We all know that YMMV so its important to get your input. I believe CERB would be a better place for it. Cheers 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
T**-D*** 100 Report post Posted June 17, 2010 The topic and your question, I have a couple of views on the topic "recommendations": a) .......... b) .......... c) If I have seen her more than a couple of times, like a few times, I would not comment anymore, others would think "Why does he keep posting about her?" .................................. PP's comment in bold above reminds me of the time not so long ago (2009) that I wrote very favorable comments on another board (not the T-board) about a high-end extensively-reviewed traveling lady and I was basically accused of being her shill even though her stellar reputation is such that she certainly doesn't need any shills! The following comments from the Mod of that board are reproduced below verbatim: "Even if it isn't, I am prepared to ask Tip-Drill to cease and desist reviewing this one s/p. 1. The member is from Eastern Canada. 2. 3 out of 6 of his/her posts are raving about the same lady. Tip-Drill, this is a courtesy warning. Please guide yourself accordingly. Please advise. P.S. We will be deleting posts." It seems that you just can't win whatever course of action you decide to take! On the other hand, I have to admit that I can understand where the Mod was coming from in this particular case as I don't have many posts on the board in question. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Carrie Moon 68826 Report post Posted June 17, 2010 I haven't been reviewed/reco'd in quite some time until just recently. So.. I now have one recent reco at least. I've been around so long I figured everyone knew who I was and what I offered.. forgetting that there are plenty of newbies coming on board every day. I like most of the girls though have never relied on reco's to get business although I'm sure they help. I cultivate repeat clients.. and many are indeed lurkers. I'm lucky though.. many can just view me online to see how I am personality wise.. so I have an unfair advantage that probably means I don't need reco's as much as other girls who keep a low profile online. I too have bad days where I feel like I need my ego stroked.. but don't get it from clients.. I get it from friends. Perhaps Sabrina you need a hug and support from a close friend to get your emotional tank refilled. No.. not perhaps.. for sure. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
E.D. man 691 Report post Posted June 18, 2010 if I had a real good time with the lady I will put a reco in. I think it is important to do this if you had a great time. If you did not have a good time no reco. I have put several reco's on Kimberly-shea and stand by them and have one for Sin Cindy. To me reco's are important to our ladies and hobbiest. The recos allow the ladies to know what their doing right and will hopefully continue to do it. As for the hobbiest it gives us a guideline waht is actually provide in a meeting (mmv) And if the reco is old, the person may have changed, so an old reco may not be as good. So an update reco is better for both SP and hobbiest. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lexy Grace 103697 Report post Posted July 13, 2010 I have some reco's from new members and first timers, which I love meeting and I actually introduce them to CERB. I only mention the site to them if I believe they will enjoy the community and are respectful and a great date. It is their choice to do a reco and it is a thank you to me for the quality of service I provide. For the members that don't do reco's well that's their business but in turn it also makes the SP's wonder what there here for and possibly hesitant to see them if they don't contribute. Keep your head held high Sabrina. if I had a real good time with the lady I will put a reco in. I think it is important to do this if you had a great time.If you did not have a good time no reco. I have put several reco's on Kimberly-shea and stand by them and have one for Sin Cindy. To me reco's are important to our ladies and hobbiest. The recos allow the ladies to know what their doing right and will hopefully continue to do it. As for the hobbiest it gives us a guideline waht is actually provide in a meeting (mmv) And if the reco is old, the person may have changed, so an old reco may not be as good. So an update reco is better for both SP and hobbiest. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roamingguy 300292 Report post Posted July 13, 2010 With only one SP experience under my belt, and nothing positive to report about it, I can't write a recommendation. But I'll be back in the saddle, with one of the ladies from CERB this time (lesson learned). I'll be more than happy to write a review of the experience, of course with the lady's permission first RG Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
spud271 47779 Report post Posted July 13, 2010 As I do agree that recommendations are a fantastic resource for those who are starting out as a hobbyiest, looking for a specific type of escort or just curious about a lady, the hobbyiest should never feel pressured into writing a recommendation. I write them because I have enjoyed my time with the lady I have spent time with, and because they deserve positive feedback for others to see. I did have a lady once in Montreal, who at the end of my visit wanted me to write a recommendation on her. At that time I didn't write recommendations as I was new to Canada and didn't know if that was an appropriate thing to do or not. When I told her no and explained why I didn't write recommendations, she absolutely lost her marbles on me! What a way to ruin an otherwise wonderful time!!! Needless to say I did not see her again. I think if you have had a amazing time with a lady, she deserves to have you write something up on her, but don't feel pressured. Just my two pence! 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest *b*y Report post Posted July 13, 2010 I didn't know that you all felt so strongly about recos, especially when they're redundant. I guess I'll start to participate a little more actively on Cerb, cause the girls on here are great, and it's worth saying thank you the way in which they would like to be thanked. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lexy Grace 103697 Report post Posted July 13, 2010 Very true. You should never be pressured to but it is appreciated if you have had a good experience. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites