Meaghan McLeod 179664 Report post Posted February 6, 2015 If I'm in the mood to even reply to reduced rates, the conversation goes something like this. Him hey baby, u so fly. How much? Me thank you. My rate is $X. Him I only have $X. Me oh, you want the Pw experience. Him oh, what's Pw experience? Me the Pissed Wife Experience. You come over, I'm in my baggy flannel pjs and hand you an infant in dirty diapers. Dr. Phil is playing on the TV, and I keep the remote. I disappear for a while then come out dressed to the nines. You think wow, she's hot. I then put on my coat and tell you I should be back by closing time and have fun baby boy. That's if I'm feeling like replying. However, most times I ignore your calls. For those guys that post things like "anyone heard from X? She doesn't answer my texts," this might be a clue if you tried to negotiate. After all, it doesn't hurt to ask right? 10 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Johnny Canuck 5348 Report post Posted February 7, 2015 While I have never negotiated with a lady as I do agree with Christy that this hobby is a "privileged" one in the sense that it is not financially feasible for everyone, I can understand why some feel the need to negotiate. Financial hardship. But by the same token, if it is just not doable for you, then why put yourself under more strain? A suggestion that is a win win for all parties is, instead of booking for this amount of time that you cannot afford, book for an alotted time frame that you can afford. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mikeyboy 27134 Report post Posted February 7, 2015 While I have never negotiated with a lady as I do agree with Christy that this hobby is a "privileged" one in the sense that it is not financially feasible for everyone, I can understand why some feel the need to negotiate. Financial hardship. But by the same token, if it is just not doable for you, then why put yourself under more strain? A suggestion that is a win win for all parties is, instead of booking for this amount of time that you cannot afford, book for an alotted time frame that you can afford. I don't believe that it is a matter of weather or not they can afford it in a lot of cases. I know many people who are simply proud of their ability to negotiate a deal in all situations. They brag about it to their friends when they beat people down on price. It doesn't matter what the price is to begin with, it's about pushing it further. You could be asking $20 and they would automatically offer $15. Some people feel some sort of twisted pride from it. I'm sure that isn't everyone, but I have come across many people in my life that would fit this description. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
50 Shades Raven 31381 Report post Posted February 7, 2015 The economy is taking a downturn. Many hobbyists have less money. Some of the sex workers have less business, especially at this time of year. Many of the women in Ottawa are offering specials (just look at the ads in the Ottawa section). There are even more specials on back page.The reality is that it never hurts to ask and many of us do. If it's done respectfully, it shouldn't be a problem. if a lady has 'no negotiating' on her ad/page/whatever, then it's not respectful at all to ask, at any time! If a certain lady that you want to see is out of reach of your pocketbook, then save up and see her when you have the ability to do so. The downturn in the economy has nothing to do with (what I quite frankly call rude) negotiating for a lower rate. What a lady advertises is her right to ask for. If you believe a lady is worth the amount she is asking for, then save your money, and go less often! Specials are just that, specials, not to be asked for at all times. An example I had recently was an ad that stated for certain dates I was reducing the amount, and ONLY for those dates. What did I receive? All sorts of calls (after the fact) stating, 'oh but you advertised at xxx amount' (4 days later!). simply put, some 'gentlemen' always want a 'bargain'. A lady advertises what she fully believes she is worth. You wouldn't go to a car dealer for your vehicle and state, 'oh, but you advertised this vehicle at xxx amount last year, why can't I get it for that amount?' Or would you go into Gucci looking at a $4000 suit and say ' but Sears has suits for $400, why can't I get my suit here for $400?' Probably not, the salesperson would probably throw you out on your backside! If the downturn in the economy has affected your pocketbook, as it has for most of us, then save your money for the lady of your choice and give her what she is asking for. Negotiating is rude, and it's against the rules on this board, if I remember correctly. You might not see the lady as often as you would like to, but you will receive quality time with her, no matter what the cost. Negotiating just looks bad, and makes some ladies feel as though they are not worthy. 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
boomer01 5607 Report post Posted February 11, 2015 There have been many valid points raised by everyone on both sides of the issue . Many I agree with and some I don't. I do find it interesting that some points that you would think an SP would side with and some points that we hobbiests would side with crossover. My two cents....yes if her ad says " my rates are firm " , " not negotiable " then that should be respected. Negotiating is a part of life , I think we can all say at one point in our lives we have tried to get a better deal , I don't think there is anything wrong with that. We all know how saturated the " companionship scene out there is and I know some SP 's whether they are on Lyla , BP are willing to do that rather than see no one Let's all be respectful and if no is the the answer don't push it. Negotiating is a part of life if its done within reason and no it will not pass. Its been going on probably as long as the worlds oldest profession. :) One last thing as I have read all the threads now. If anyone can honestly say they have never tryed to negotiate a better deal I don't think they are being honest . I could be wrong but I doubt it. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Meaghan McLeod 179664 Report post Posted February 11, 2015 Negotiating is rude, and it is against the rules on this board, if I remember correctly. Negotiating just looks bad, and makes some ladies feel as though they are not worthy. On lyla, the rule is, unless the lady specifically states she is open to negotiation, you are NOT allowed to negotiate her rates. There have been many valid points raised by everyone on both sides of the issue . Many I agree with and some I don't. I do find it interesting that some points that you would think an SP would side with and some points that we hobbiests would side with crossover.My two cents....yes if her ad says " my rates are firm " , " not negotiable " then that should be respected. Negotiating is a part of life , I think we can all say at one point in our lives we have tried to get a better deal , I don't think there is anything wrong with that. We all know how saturated the " compainship " scene out there is and I know some SP 's whether they are on Lyla , BP are willing to do that rather than see know one. Not all of them are fortunate enough to demand high end donations. Let to it all is be respectful and if no is the the answer don't push it. Negotiating is a part of life if its done within reason and no it will not pass. Its been going on probably as long as the worlds oldest profession. :) One last thing as I have read all the threads now. If anyone can honestly say they have never tryed to negotiate a better deal I don't think they are being honest . I could b wrong but I doubt it. There is a difference between shopping around for the best price and negotiating rates. If the price is out of your reach, move on. It is never respectful to negotiate in this industry. 6 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CristyCurves 169033 Report post Posted February 11, 2015 Negotiating is a part of life , I think we can all say at one point in our lives we have tried to get a better deal , I don't think there is anything wrong with that. We all know how saturated the " compainship " scene out there is and I know some SP 's whether they are on Lyla , BP are willing to do that rather than see know one. Not all of them are fortunate enough to demand high end donations. Let to it all is be respectful and if no is the the answer don't push it. Negotiating is a part of life if its done within reason and no it will not pass. Its been going on probably as long as the worlds oldest profession. :) One last thing as I have read all the threads now. If anyone can honestly say they have never tryed to negotiate a better deal I don't think they are being honest . I could b wrong but I doubt it. Negotiating may be a part of life but it's not welcomed in the companionship market, even by those who may do it and it's never considered respectful, pushed or when done politely. I would think that if someone has the feeling that some companions are having hard times for whatever reasons and because of that are willing to negotiate rather than going with nothing, then beating them down, I think, is taking advantage of them. I would think a gentleman wouldn't want to do that. Why would a guy feel good about causing a woman to loose some income? The guy doesn't loose out because he CAN do without, this isn't a necessity for the client, it's a luxury! Many girls/guys in the business can't do without and when pushed into a corner some feel obligated to cave. You see for most of us this goes beyond having a few bucks in our pockets, it about respect, appreciation, understanding, compatibility, sharing and learning. There are many types in this business after all, some are experienced, informed, confident and business minded, others are inexperienced, uninformed, insecure, going through hardships and so on. Negotiating with the latter would only be cruel imo. This business isn't like buying a home/car/clothing, after all, it's very personal, individual and simply can't compare to any. Human beings aren't negotiable merchandise, if we request a fee for our time then let it be that. I find it amusing that some guys would think that a negotiator would be a welcomed client, or well thought of and don't we all want to be liked and appreciated by whom we are seeing? 6 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nicolette Vaughn 294340 Report post Posted February 11, 2015 These days I have pretty much crossed over to doing primarily massage. While I'm still a companion, I have been on the receving end of negotiating in both areas. There seems to be an overwhelming sense of entitlement and a new generation of clients that I am not accustomed to. I would have to say it's with the youinger generation which is why I have an age restriction. I'm not in my 20's anymore and do not relate to this crowd. Nothing personal. I'm older. However, in my experience most do NOT take no for an answer when rates are quoted and stated as non-negotiable. Most men who are older say thank-you, accept it and move on. This is a luxury service we are offering. It is a want, not a need in terms of basic necessities in life such as food and shelter, etc. It's a want but some think it's a need. It's a desire and forgive me if anyone is insulted by this but if a person doesn't have the cash to play then that burden should NOT be put upon the lady. It is not our problem that a person only has X amount of dollars. Would a person go to a restaurant and say I only have x amount but you better give me that steak dinner I want so bad? No! It would never happen! This is a service industry and the same applies here. However, when one person starts doing it or someone is strapped for cash and feels they have to negotiate with a client to have their certain needs met, suddenly it becomes an expectation across the board. Well it's not. When I started in this business, that didn't happen and very rarely did men negotiate. Times have changed and so has this busness. It's not about booking time to spend with someone anymorte, it's all about what they can get, how fast and for how little the amount. Sorry but true! I've been around to see the trend go from one place to further downhill. It's like going to work one day similar to someone working on cash basis day to day and having the boss tell a person "Well I can only afford to give you X amount per hour instead." How would the person on the receiving end of that feel when they show up, ready for work and being told that? Not good! That person would know the work they're willing to do for a certain amount and if it's worth it or not. When someone tries to negotiate with me, I tell them rates, are non-negotiable and have a good day. Anything beyond that such as "Please, come on!" I don't respond to. I have been threatened because of my age restrictions and because I don't negotiate. I tell them to fill their boots buddy, take a hike and to grow the hell up. I have fixed my rates that are very fair for what I am offering and also in consideration to what is going on with the economy. I used to make X amount an hour. I don't anymore. I changed that BUT it was on MY own accord. I like to think that I have enough business sense to know what the market can bear that is alignment with what I am offering. I am at a happy medium with the rates I quote and if someone thinks that is too much well too bad. They don't know what they're missing. I could be charging a lot more for the service I offer. However, there is a line I won't cross when it comes to rates and that's my own perogative. I am a professional and always have been and my services and the experience I offer reflects that. If someone wants to dispute rates then they are just out for a deal. Many do it just for the sole fact of being able to attempt to do it. I don't bother with people like that and they are not in my target market either. I advertise myself as offering an experience and the clients I see value that. For many ladies, this is their livelihood and if a person wants to negotiate and the lady has to lose x amount of dollars, be prepared to lose out on something as well. It's only fair. You ALWAYS get what you pay for. I don't negotiate with clients because I would no longer enjoy my job and there would be resentment towards them. As a result, they wouldn't be getting the service that goes above and beyond in many respects. However, that would never happen because I don't work that way and would NEVER put myself in that situation to begin with. I would rather exit the business before allowing that to happen. As soon as guys start to negotiate, I get that uneasy feeling in my stomach and I wish them well. I don't want anything to do with it. And the bottom line is if x amount of dollars as low as $20 makes a huge impact on who they see then they can't afford to play. I would tell them they need it more than I do but with negotiaters I'm sure they don't need it nor will $20 actually put a dent in the budget. It's a thrill for them to get what they want.. because they can! I choose not to play their game. 7 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
boomer01 5607 Report post Posted February 11, 2015 So after reading my last post and on some rather good advice I removed the " not all of them can afford to demand high end donations " line. Its really not relevant to the point I'm trying to make and certainly not criticizing anyones right to set their fees. I guess what does disturb me is some members seem to think their opinion is the RIGHT one . Its obvious the replies to my two cents strongly feel I'm wrong and have made it clear I'm not right in having my opinion. I honestly don't care what you think of me but my opinion is as valid as anyone else's on here and I won't be bullied into thinking anything different. As a fellow Cerb member pointed out, and rightfully so , that sometimes I may not convey my message clearly but I'll make it clear when I say that negotiators are here and to think it will pass or go away is very narrow minded. I agree 100 % that if its posted " my rates are firm , non negotiable , whatever " I respect and agree . When companions offer deals , which they do , arent they opening up the same proverbial can of worms. I'm sorry if I offended anyone with what I said but it will make me think of giving my opinion again. 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Studio 110 by Sophia 150333 Report post Posted February 11, 2015 So after reading my last post and on some rather good advice I removed the " not all of them can afford to demand high end donations " line. Its really not relevant to the point I'm trying to make and certainly not criticizing anyones right to set their fees. I guess what does disturb me is some members seem to think their opinion is the RIGHT one . Its obvious the replies to my two cents strongly feel I'm wrong and have made it clear I'm not right in having my opinion. I honestly don't care what you think of me but my opinion is as valid as anyone else's on here and I won't be bullied into thinking anything different. As a fellow Cerb member pointed out, and rightfully so , that sometimes I may not convey my message clearly but I'll make it clear when I say that negotiators are here and to think it will pass or go away is very narrow minded. I agree 100 % that if its posted " my rates are firm , non negotiable , whatever " I respect and agree . When companions offer deals , which they do , arent they opening up the same proverbial can of worms. I'm sorry if I offended anyone with what I said but it will make me think of giving my opinion again. I know and see you are a respectful Gent, and would simply not try that " well let me negotiate and see" especially if it is written on my ad. I for one appreciate your opinion, and feel it does have relevance. But with this in mind, as you said, " some do have specials" well yes in fact I have a special right now, but with that said I also state it is for certain dates only. I do not mind offering a special rate, but respect the days I have chosen. It is very upsetting if one week after, or even a year, they say " well you gave it for this rate before, why not now" answer to that is, because I have chosen those dates. I agree with every word that Nicolet has written here. With this all said in this thread, I hope we can all stick together as adults and realize that.... 1.we ladies know our expenses, have to keep our heads above water. If our expenses and profits are not met, then we will leave the industry( or provide a lesser quality that most of ladies pride ourselves on NOT doing) and the ones who can afford to work for 60/80 hh will carry on. But then what 50? 40? might as well go to POF lol. 2. Gents who are interested in meeting a lady that has the proper time and locations prepared, without having a revolving door that will leave you feeling like your a heat score...then yes ladies like that do need a but more to run their business. And to give our clients the sessions they really want to have to feel safe, clean and secure. 3. there is no pleasing everyone, some will move on, others will complain, and those who try to badger you are just not worth your txt time. 8 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Amelia Fox 9064 Report post Posted February 11, 2015 Wow! I truly didn't think I'd get such a great response like this. So I'm not alone when I feel bartering my rates is so wrong! I do specials, that's when you men should take advantage if you cannot afford regular rates.. I'm not in the business of negotiations. To me it's insulting when someone asks " what can I get for 80$, 100$ ?" Nothing! And don't ever contact me again, is always my reply.. 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Studio 110 by Sophia 150333 Report post Posted February 11, 2015 Wow!I truly didn't think I'd get such a great response like this. So I'm not alone when I feel bartering my rates is so wrong! I do specials, that's when you men should take advantage if you cannot afford regular rates.. I'm not in the business of negotiations. To me it's insulting when someone asks " what can I get for 80$, 100$ ?" Nothing! And don't ever contact me again, is always my reply.. Remember this ....?? " if all you have to spend in the whole world is 80, then perhaps you should go to the grocery store" lol.... Like Nicolette says, and others...this is a luxury. Either save up or just move on to one who does provide that rate. 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ice4fun 78407 Report post Posted February 11, 2015 Ok let's think this negotiation thing through.... if we accept the fact that negotiation is a fact of life and will not go away then it would be reasonable for ladies to factor that into their business model... So if a lady calculates that based on the services she provides and the volume of clients she is willing to see and taking into account her business expenses that she needs $300 an hour to be successful then I guess when she factors in wiggle room for negotiation she should advertise $350. If she does she can "play the game" and give the guy that feeling of "winning " by getting a better price. End result the guy pays $300 like he would have if no negotiation was factored in. Of course the lady could also just leave her rate at $300 and let that smart, bargaining client beat her down to $250 and then just adjust her services so that more things have an extra charge... suddenly the $250 bargain becomes a $350 gain. In my opinion the bottom line is that bargaining is disrespectful at best and at worst is a decision by a client to take advantage of a lady who because of a challenging market, lack of confidence or financial problems is left with no choice but to give in or not have the necessities of life. I also strongly feel that it is in all clients best interest to not bargain as bargaining does not in the long run create favorable market conditions. If you think the rate is too high move on. The ladies in this industry are certainly smart enough to consider the market they are working in, the services they are provide and their own financial needs... if they price themselves out of the market then this will in the long run be self correcting. As for sales or discounts... if that price is available all the time through bargaining than in fact it is not really a sale price. There are a thousand reasons why a lady might offer a sale price and all valid business reasons it does not mean that because she does she has to sell at that price every day. In regards to people thinking their opinion is right and strongly disagreeing with others...yeah of course... if i have considered an issue and come to an opinion on it I would think I would think it was right... that does not mean others should not also express their opinions in fact I encourage them to do so it enhances the debate and educates us all. I may strongly feel your opinion is wrong but I have no problem at all with reading it Just my Opinion Sent from my Passport using Tapatalk 7 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Meaghan McLeod 179664 Report post Posted February 11, 2015 So after reading my last post and on some rather good advice I removed the " not all of them can afford to demand high end donations " line. Its really not relevant to the point I'm trying to make and certainly not criticizing anyones right to set their fees. I guess what does disturb me is some members seem to think their opinion is the RIGHT one . Its obvious the replies to my two cents strongly feel I'm wrong and have made it clear I'm not right in having my opinion. I honestly don't care what you think of me but my opinion is as valid as anyone else's on here and I won't be bullied into thinking anything different. As a fellow Cerb member pointed out, and rightfully so , that sometimes I may not convey my message clearly but I'll make it clear when I say that negotiators are here and to think it will pass or go away is very narrow minded. I agree 100 % that if its posted " my rates are firm , non negotiable , whatever " I respect and agree . When companions offer deals , which they do , arent they opening up the same proverbial can of worms. I'm sorry if I offended anyone with what I said but it will make me think of giving my opinion again. Boomer01, your opinion is in the minority. To continue saying it's been happening since the beginning or it will never stop, think about it this way. There was a time in history that women could not charge their husbands with rape. If she went to the police, she was told she is the property of her husband and therefore, he could do as he pleased. The argument then was it's been this way since the dawn of time and will not change. Women were not allowed to vote. Women were not allowed to have a bank account without her husband's permission. If we allowed the feeling that it's always been this way and will never change, we would still allow this. It was when women united and said no more, the laws changed. On lyla, we DO NOT have to post no negotiation on our ads or profile. Only if we want to allow negotiations and post it on our ads or profile, is when you can approach the lady with an offer. However, my experience, is they typically are new or desperate. If you feel it is your right to negotiate, that is your opinion. However to suggest to other hobbyists that this is ok, is doing them a disservice, as they might not realize they will quickly get on the do not book list without realizing the repercussions of their "it can't hurt to ask". It always hurts the lady. Most experienced ladies have endless contacts titled "negotiator, low baller and haggler". Once I identify someone in this category, I will never answer their text, phone call or email. Even if they see the error of their ways, they've missed the opportunity to ever see me. The sticky on this indicated 97% of this community is against this practice. 5 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
halman 230 Report post Posted February 11, 2015 I'm not an SP, but a gentleman and a real gentleman would never try to negotiate a lower rate! Show them the door and kick them in the a$$ on the way out :) 5 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
boomer01 5607 Report post Posted February 12, 2015 With all do respect Ms. McLeod I've re read both of my posts and no where within those two entries am I or do I encourage other men to negotiate . I merely stated its a fact that it happens and we can all deal with it how we feel entitled to. If you want to blacklist me as you stated so be it. Am I in the minority ? Yes for sure from your side and understandably so , from the hobbiests side based on what has been posted I can even agree to that as well but I'm sure the ones that maybe feel as I do and have read the backlash and possibllity of being blacklisted probably will stay silent. I'll close by reiterating for those I have offended I apologise sincerely and I'd also like to thank the ones who PM'd me with their support and understanding That's it I'm done with this debate 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Johnny Canuck 5348 Report post Posted February 12, 2015 I don't believe that it is a matter of weather or not they can afford it in a lot of cases. I know many people who are simply proud of their ability to negotiate a deal in all situations. They brag about it to their friends when they beat people down on price. It doesn't matter what the price is to begin with, it's about pushing it further. You could be asking $20 and they would automatically offer $15. Some people feel some sort of twisted pride from it. I'm sure that isn't everyone, but I have come across many people in my life that would fit this description. I know exactly what you mean and it is 100% true that there are people like that. 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest A**aTo**h Report post Posted February 12, 2015 When companions offer deals , which they do , arent they opening up the same proverbial can of worms. I am enjoying reading the heated sides of this discussion and yours in particular boomer, but the one thing I am unclear on in one of your posts is how a can of worms is being opened when a companion offers a short-term lowered rate (like $20 off on a particular day). Any small or medium business will lower rates from time to time to compete with other similar businesses. Movie houses offer lower rates on Tuesdays to compete with new DVD releases that day, many restaurants offer free meals for kids on certain nights to draw in family business. A companion is no different; some days or times of months or holidays can be challenging so a little incentive to customers isn't opening a can of worms, it is opening a door for potential future business. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest D***el B***e Report post Posted February 12, 2015 I'm quite enjoying this thread actually. I'm being very reasonable in understanding both sides of the equation but for once, I'm not the one being controversial. hehehe ... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Helena D'Orville 33237 Report post Posted February 12, 2015 Here is how I see it: If I go and see a massage therapist, I will not negotiate their rate. If I go and see a psychologist, I will not negotiate their rate. We are in the "human" services, that can be considered both as a luxury and as a necessity, as much as the previous professions mentioned are. If my service is to offer you all in one appointment: my time, my educated and sensitive personality, my ability to listen to you, my intelligence to know when to speak and when not to, my delicate touch and much more than that, which is precious, then if you still need to negotiate, you need to re-think about what an escort and their services mean to you. 9 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
oldblueeyez 15475 Report post Posted February 13, 2015 In a previous business, I got haggled to death almost every day. Depending on my mood, I either dickered or I raised my voice and said, "The price is low enough as it is.... F you and get the F out!" I feel your pain. There are things in life which you can negotiate, typically the purchase of significant tangible assets, but when it comes to services (mechanic, plumber, etc.), I don't negotiate because I figure they'll get the price they want one way or the other (if one were to dicker for a lower hourly rate, they'd just bill more hours). When it comes to services I go for reputation, not price. This industry is unique of course, but if you lower your asking rate once, you'll get caught in a downward spiral (the discounted clients won't see you again unless it's at the discounted rate, and even worse, they could spread the lowered rate they received to other potential clients, thus snowballing into a bunch of drama: "he got that lower rate, so why can't I?!). I'm just an average Joe, but when I play I prefer a quality experience, so I have no problem paying the posted rate. I go for quality over quantity. If I have to set aside spare cash for weeks on end, I'll do so. If I don't have the full required amount, that's my problem not hers, so I'll be patient and wait until the piggy bank's full again. Only you can decide your own policies. Anybody who haggles with me now gets a polite "I'm sorry, I can't do that" the first couple of times; if they keep pushing and they push the right combination of buttons, once in a blue moon I'll still explode (I'm getting mellower as I age though). And you want to F-ing know something!? It's the fckers with the BMWs and the Acuras who are the worst! The richer they are the more they think they deserve a special rate! 7 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rugbymann 272 Report post Posted February 13, 2015 I am new to this but I cannot understand why anyone would be dumb enough to try to negotiate to save $20 or $40. It shows a complete lack of respect for the ladies and I assume they would respond in kind. This is not like buying a car where it has become accepted practice. When I contract for a service such as hiring an indoor house painter (which I just did) there was no dickering over the price. I wanted exceptional service and I got it. Contracting for a lady's time is the same thing. If I accept her rate as is I hope I am going to be well treated by her. How would you negotiators feel if the lady upped her rate once you arrived at her place saying it is extra for this or that. I would leave. Finally I am a professional accountant and I charge $x an hour -- if you try to dicker me down you are a dick and I wont have anything to do with you. Just saying. 8 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LadiesFirst 848 Report post Posted February 13, 2015 Do two parties have to have something to offer in a negotiation? It appears the ladies hold the cards on this one. Begging comes to mind here. I don't think the ladies should be making the donation to the monetarily challenged. I hope the ladies don't feel bad when this happens. Its sad but it always will. Hopefully it just helps with your screening so you know right away not to invest time. You have to shake your head a little though when you think about it. I spend so much money renovating, vacations, fancy meals etc. Etc trying to create memories so when you look back it feels like you lived a good one. Well all I know is when you can trade a few hundred roses for an hour of time from an angel there should be no begging, you should just pay the rate if she accepts you because you will be lucky to have a life memory. They are by far my most vivid and happiest. Ask a girl to turn a dream into reality and if she can knock 20 bucks off u want fries with that? 10 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CristyCurves 169033 Report post Posted February 25, 2015 So after reading my last post and on some rather good advice I removed the " not all of them can afford to demand high end donations " line. Its really not relevant to the point I'm trying to make and certainly not criticizing anyones right to set their fees. I guess what does disturb me is some members seem to think their opinion is the RIGHT one . Its obvious the replies to my two cents strongly feel I'm wrong and have made it clear I'm not right in having my opinion. I honestly don't care what you think of me but my opinion is as valid as anyone else's on here and I won't be bullied into thinking anything different. As a fellow Cerb member pointed out, and rightfully so , that sometimes I may not convey my message clearly but I'll make it clear when I say that negotiators are here and to think it will pass or go away is very narrow minded. I agree 100 % that if its posted " my rates are firm , non negotiable , whatever " I respect and agree . When companions offer deals , which they do , arent they opening up the same proverbial can of worms. I'm sorry if I offended anyone with what I said but it will make me think of giving my opinion again. Being sensitive to reply's is something I'm sure we've all experienced . But no one implied you were wrong, nor that your opinion wasn't warranted, or wanted. Not sure why you'd assume that. Certainly I and Meaghan and many others didn't agree with your thoughts but that doesn't mean you are right or wrong and as a matter of fact it was YOU in your last post-see my quoted reply, that mentions you maybe wrong but you doubt it. So you yourself admittedly feel others opinions are wrong and yours the right one. Either way differing opinions are to be expected and should be appreciated in a forum comprised of different people, men, women and differing ages, etc. That's what makes it interesting. No one speaking differently, or of opposing thoughts should ever be denied the ability, especially when it's been done politely, as it's been done in this thread. Certainly no one was bullying you. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest D***el B***e Report post Posted February 25, 2015 So after reading my last post and on some rather good advice I removed the " not all of them can afford to demand high end donations " line. Its really not relevant to the point I'm trying to make and certainly not criticizing anyones right to set their fees. I guess what does disturb me is some members seem to think their opinion is the RIGHT one . Its obvious the replies to my two cents strongly feel I'm wrong and have made it clear I'm not right in having my opinion. I honestly don't care what you think of me but my opinion is as valid as anyone else's on here and I won't be bullied into thinking anything different. As a fellow Cerb member pointed out, and rightfully so , that sometimes I may not convey my message clearly but I'll make it clear when I say that negotiators are here and to think it will pass or go away is very narrow minded. I agree 100 % that if its posted " my rates are firm , non negotiable , whatever " I respect and agree . When companions offer deals , which they do , arent they opening up the same proverbial can of worms. I'm sorry if I offended anyone with what I said but it will make me think of giving my opinion again. Couldn't agree with you more. As far as negotiation is concerned, those who know me know I never negotiate and I'm highly generous and caring. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites