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Hedonism vs Stoicism

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Guest *Ste***cque**

Which is the better path to lasting happiness? I've been asking myself that lately. I'm more stoic than hedonist but I have definitely learned some valuable insights during my time here. FYI, stoicism is more than gritting your teeth but rather a way to wrest happiness from adversity. I find it a bit like Buddhism without the Karma and Reincarnation aspects.


Anyway, for me Stoicism seems to be my path forward and with that bit of insight I want to say a final goodbye and wish you all the opportunity to find your own happiness, whether you find that here or elsewhere. One of my favorite quotes is "The unexamined life is not worth living" by Socrates. Hopefully you will take it to heart as well and examine your own lives from time to time.


Take care,



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Sorry to see you leave Stevemcqueen I have enjoyed the spirited debates and insights you brought to your post. I hope you find what you are looking for as you move forward... who know your road ahead may include a return here in the future


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Guest A**aTo**h
Which is the better path to lasting happiness? I've been asking myself that lately. I'm more stoic than hedonist but I have definitely learned some valuable insights during my time here. FYI, stoicism is more than gritting your teeth but rather a way to wrest happiness from adversity. I find it a bit like Buddhism without the Karma and Reincarnation aspects.


Anyway, for me Stoicism seems to be my path forward and with that bit of insight I want to say a final goodbye and wish you all the opportunity to find your own happiness, whether you find that here or elsewhere. One of my favorite quotes is "The unexamined life is not worth living" by Socrates. Hopefully you will take it to heart as well and examine your own lives from time to time.


Take care,




The better path to lasting happiness is often the path that often feels right inside and sometimes without having to think, it is the one that inherently feels right "in the gut."


Good luck Stevemcqueen on your journey.

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Guest **cely***r***ne

Everything happens when it is absolutely the right time for you..not before nor after.

May the universe provide!

Best wishes and bright blessings to you!

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I feel it's about balance. We all have needs and wants that add to our overall happiness in life. We are each responsible for our own happiness and for doing what is right for us. There are situations that arise where this concept is put into question or thrown out altogether and at that point, we have a choice in how to react. Some choose to be stoic and if that feels right for them, great. Some people pick that because they are taught or have been told that they "must do what is right". The problem here is "right for who"? Usually it's another person or based on the views and beliefs of someone else and usually not in OUR best interest but theirs.


Yes, in relationships there are demands made, boundaries stated and commitments made however people seem to think that these things can never change. The problem is that we are ALWAYS changing so shouldn't our boundaries, commitments and beliefs change as well? There should at least be conversations about them, a check in. Relationships are ever evolving and communication is key to make them viable and present.


I don't believe in making demands on someone else that are best for us. Everyone has the right to choose and make choices right for them. If something changes IE: desire, sexual interest, I don't feel someone should suddenly shut of all their needs and desires because someone else has changed. There are always compromises that can support the relationship while ensuring happiness for all. The only problem in this equation is ego and the fear and selfishness that comes along with it.


Is it easy, no...is it worth it? Yes. We are on this earth to be happy and we cannot do that without self care and the only person who can provide self care is us.


I expect many are thinking I'm daft or naive at this point but it's more about awareness, evolution and spiritual work. Life is a work in progress and we create the life we lead. Some relationships last, some are only for a little while and some we outgrown as we grow. None of these are bad things but they do take courage to face and deal with. Every bad situation can lead us to something better or can lead us to worse; the choice is ours.


The only person to determine that is us and in order to be happy, we have to be honest with ourselves. The choice is ours to make so it's in our control we just have to live with and within whatever it happens to be. Sometimes we choose to suffer, sometimes we don't but ultimately it's our choice.


I think it's more about a sexual being having happiness/needs met through sexual and intimate connection as opposed to thinking that they can live with love alone. It can be done but will you be happy and content?

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