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How do you people do it????

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As a "professional" napper, the thing to remember is you need to know what it is your are doing and for how long.


Naplet or Power Nap - 15 minutes of just putting your head down - best done sitting back in a comfy chair

Nap - 30 minutes

Snooze - 1 Hour


Lay-me-Down - No specified period - you just wake up when you do, but if you stir at all, get up immediately, otherwise you might fall into those 3-4 hour ones that are technically "sleeps".


Set an alarm if you have to.


Drinking lots of water beforehand is a good suggestion too - your body will wake you up.

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Thank you all....today, I had my first succesful nap. I combined the water and the alarm on my cell phone. I actually woke up refreshed before the alarm went off!

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Of course napping is also easier when you get older... I found that since my bladder has shrunken to the size of a walnut, the compelling need to wake every 22 minutes has become habit forming....

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Of course napping is also easier when you get older... I found that since my bladder has shrunken to the size of a walnut, the compelling need to wake every 22 minutes has become habit forming....



Sounds like you have TB....tiny bladder!!

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I just woke up my bestest friend from a nap. I honestly CANNOT nap! I lay down and the next thing I know I have missed a whole afternoon! Please, there must be some pointers out there for successful napping. Give me the secret...please!


I nap all the time, but I am lucky I use to nap for 4 hours and be up all night, but with the cats they wake me up in 2 hours when I nap. so I am not drained at night.


you basically go lie down in a comfortable room and relax eventually you fall a sleep.

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Sounds like you have TB....tiny bladder!!


I do now... I used to have CB... camel bladder. I could go a day before having to go.... but I think the ex got that in the settlement.

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I am on medication for my heart & it makes me tired. After dinner if I keep going I am OK, if I sit down I need a nap. But a power nap, 10 minutes is all I need & I can fall asleep anywhere, laying down, sitting up, anywhere. After 10 mins I am refreshed & ready to go. It is like Scotch, it is an acquired taste, you have to work at it and you have to work hard at it. Miss a couple of days and you can get right out of sync, do it every day and you become good at it. Oh, it helps to dream of your fav SP whilst napping just be careful cause you could end up waking with a hard on & that could be embarrassing if your mother in law is in the same room.

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I've been getting auricular acupuncture lately to help cut down on food cravings, and I'm telling you afterwards, it just zonks me out. No problem napping this week, I tell yah. No wonder I don't like eating - I'm unconscious!!


It's funny, my sister cannot nap. The last time I remember her actually being able to lie down during the day was her daughter was 4 months old and I came to visit her in Nova Scotia and "gave her a break" watching the baby.

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