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Dayna or Emily from Escorts canada

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Hi out there. Just wondering if anyone has any information on Dayna or Emily on Escorts-Canada. Thinking of calling one of them and looking for information.



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Guest imported_MOD

We have not received any complaints at this time of Dayna's photos being fake and she has advertised on and off with us for a long time now. I would ask for some more opinions before accepting this as true. Usually if the lady shows her face in the photos on the ad they are REAL photos.. these do appear to be real photos so it would be nice to hear other peoples feedback on this.

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Guest imported_MOD

Stretch marks can be hidden in photos... so your saying this girl shows photos of another women and shows the other womans face? Can anyone else confirm this? Feel free to PM me about this if you also feel this is true.

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Guest imported_MOD

Just looking for other people feedback about this. She shows her face in the photos .. your commenting about body size and stretch marks so maybe the photo is a few years old? (A lot can happen in a few years - IE. Kids, Weight Gain, etc...) it's one thing to use a OLDER photo but to use a photo with someone else's face on it? That is hard to grasp as we get complaints all the time about fake photos but the ladies who show face don't usually use fake photos and get away with it. We would receive hundreds of complaints about that. I am not saying out of date photos are acceptable (They are not) I just want to know if this photo could be a OLDER photo of this person. If it is a fake photo why has no one informed us of this before now? Why is only one person speaking up about this fake photo? Sorry I must be thorough!

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Guest imported_MOD

It is possible that Dayna put her photos on this site but highly unlikely so I am pretty much convinced these are fake. I will email her now demanding an explination and a request to verify these photos with us. (If she does not her ad will be pulled in 48 hours).


The best way to prevent this is for you guys (The customers) to send the girl away if she shows up and is not the lady in the photo!!! It's like ordering a brand name product online and when it shows up at the door it's a knock off... would you not send it back??


The reason these agencies are pulling this crap is because the general population of clients lets them get away with it. Print the photo out and when she shows up if you are not happy with her appearance then show her the photo and say "This is who I made the appointment with, not you" and send them away. If it is the lady in the photo come to the review boards and let everyone know it's a real photo! (Not just posting the bad stuff) Eventually the agency will get the point if more people send them away... who ends up paying the driver? The girl will get pissed off at the agency as well... and eventually quit. But if you are paying for the substitute girl then you are the one getting burned with the bait and switch and you are financing the agency to continue with this practice.


I wish we had enough advertisers to open a office our in Winnipeg, it would take a LOT MORE advertisers however to justify the cost of a Winnipeg office so we CAN NOT police this problem effectively from Toronto.


We get complaints of fake photos being used and people demand that we do something about this. We can not pull an ad based on one or two complaints (Especially if the ad is a paid ad - we must be 100% sure before doing this) you must understand that other ladies try to cause problems and report false information about the ladies who are using real verified photos (We catch them all the time pulling this crap) so we can not just take a persons "Word for it"


We can ask the advertiser to VERIFY her photo with us when someone complains.. This forces them to send us a photo with her face showing and a sign that reads a specific thing we request at the time... this is not 100% foolproof as someone can always pose for the verified photo ... but it does help.


If we demand that everyone verifies the photos we loose LOADS OF customers as many of the ladies do not want photos showing faces in anyone's hands (Including ours) so we have a catch 22 ... The best we can do is try to be fair and we do rely a lot on feedback from customers of the site.


I am open for suggestions on how we can prevent this? Be reasonable if you wish to make a suggestion as personally visiting every girl (Suggested a lot) is not possible and as mentioned above forcing the first to show photo ID is not possible either... other sites do try this and it hurts them dearly (Personal information is very important to many of the advertisers)


I too would like to ensure that no fake B&S listings are on escorts-canada.com and localescorts.ca but we can not find a solution that works without major consequence. Our customers want listings but want them all to be 100% accurate.. well this is up to them for the most part. If the lady is not who is pictured in the ad it is up to you to send them back to the agency. If you decide to pay them anyway then it's your fault and you should enjoy your knock off and not complain.


I sure would be embarrassed sporting my brand new paid of NIKEE AIR JARDANS I just bought offline! Fuck that, they would go back and I would reverse the charge on my credit card. Make sure you get what you pay for... what's that saying? Buyer beware? No different in this business so why except the fakes!!

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She came for a visit one nite, din't empress me with what she was wearing, jeans and a tank top, was very nice, started things off with a 1/2 & 1/2 Lots of hands all over the place, seemed like she was more of a clock watcher.

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