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Recommendations galore!

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Guest S****r

Don't take my word for it.

See what Ken and others say about me!

Snippet here:


by Ken

Over the past couple of months I have had

the good fortune to see Summer on two

occasions during business trips to the Ottawa

area. I stumbled across her website late last

year and after reading through it in detail I sensed

that this lady was different from others in the

profession. I think the best way to describe it

is that Summer is real. Her photos, the opinions

expressed in her blog, the openness about her

life as a companion including her love of xxxxx,

all real.


Summer immediately puts you at ease and our

sessions started by sharing a glass of wine while

cuddling and kissing on the couch. She is an

incredible kisser and an hour spent drinking wine

and just messing around wouldn't be a bad idea.

However the fooling about naturally led to more

fun stuff all of which she is very good at too!

Summer is a passionate lady and goes to great lengths to

ensure your session is all that you hoped it would be.

I am very much looking forward to my next trip to

Ottawa and sharing more time with this terrific lady.


More Lyla recommendations at this link.


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