lilguy 241 Report post Posted March 17, 2015 I have a question, chiefly to the ladies but anyone can chime in if you are so inclined. Do most ladies under estimate their age? I for one prefer to see the exact age as I prefer a more mature lady! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NotchJohnson 214220 Report post Posted March 18, 2015 I have seen many ladies display their real age and say that they do look younger and they do, I have seen with my own eyes. One lady that still surprise me is Nicolette Vaughn, I thought for sure she was only 18 when I met her the first time. 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ice4fun 78407 Report post Posted March 18, 2015 Not sure how much success you will have with your question... if a lady has chosen to misrepresent her age (btw not something unique to this industry) then it is doubtful that she would out herself here so that everyone knows she is doing so. In my humble opinion age is just a number we all need to just relax about it. Just my Opinion Sent from my Passport using Tapatalk 6 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest *ik****g Report post Posted March 18, 2015 In the marketing context, age is just an accessory. Personally, I like to meet more mature woman, but at the same time, some of the most mature ladies I have met were as young as 26. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lilguy 241 Report post Posted March 18, 2015 Just that in my case I check age religiously, and wont see anyone who posts her age as under 30. I just feel its better to be honest. lol But I'm told most ladies reduce their age by about 5 years. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Studio 110 by Sophia 150333 Report post Posted March 18, 2015 I post my true age, I am proud of being 40, love this era of my life. Besides I like posting my age, so that I can attract clients who are closer to my age group. Although I am 40, I feel much younger than that! 10 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
timeforchange 726 Report post Posted March 18, 2015 I agree with LadyS, and looked specifically for a lady close to my age (not tooo close) where I felt I would have more in common. But I can see ladies adjusting their age to appeal to the age group of the clients they wish to attract. ps. LadyS, saw you album, I hope I could play poker just a bit better than you. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest D***el B***e Report post Posted March 18, 2015 Age is irrelevant to me, whether real or fake. I have to say that I still use it as a gauge of the age group I'm interested in. Some people say age is just a number, I say age is a word! ;-) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LeeRichards 177238 Report post Posted March 18, 2015 I have seen many ladies display their real age and say that they do look younger and they do, I have seen with my own eyes. One lady that still surprise me is Nicolette Vaughn, I thought for sure she was only 18 when I met her the first time. Did you Card her ? ;) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fortunateone 156618 Report post Posted March 19, 2015 I think the answer to the question is 'it depends'. Just that some are with agencies, and an agency tends to be old school, putting out a young age to attract the 'typical' clientele, then the sp is stuck with that. Some setups (not agencies) as i call them are notorious for blatantly misrepresenting ages and fake pics, we've all heard of those. Not fudging 3 or 4 years, but literally decades. They've discovered the magic ad age is 22, and that is the age they put in to their advertising. the sp you meet could actually be 40 Some sps start young, and probably should be (or regret not doing this) adding a couple of years to their posted ages. If they post real 18, the clientele will be quite different than if they, an 18 year old, posted 20. i did know of at least one younger sp who did post an older age. she had no interest in seeing guys who were younger, nor guys who would be interested in seeing someone 20, for example. Some experienced sps know that many experienced clients do an auto add to posted ages, so they may adjust their age to reflect that someone is automatically adding 5 years to it, to get to an accurate or real age, they drop 5 years. lol. Or they post an age that they actually appear to be. given that many don't understand what 40 looks like, if the sp says 40, clients are likely to imagine the looks of someone 50 because they don't really know what 40 looks like. So that's why i say to the OP, 'it depends'. in most cases whether the age is accurate or isn't, probably doesn't make that much difference, so long as the posted age reflects both what you imagined, and what you see at the door. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roamingguy 300292 Report post Posted March 19, 2015 I have seen ladies from their mid twenties to fifties The majority of ladies I see are in their thirties and forties For those ladies dialing back their real age because they think younger is better, and I'm speaking just for myself here, well any lady below mid twenties, and teenager (eighteen/nineteen) I'm not attracted to Not said condescendingly but I'm attracted to women, not girls Said from a fifty three, almost fifty four year old (emphasis old LOL) man RG 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fortunateone 156618 Report post Posted March 19, 2015 I have seen ladies from their mid twenties to fifties The majority of ladies I see are in their thirties and forties For those ladies dialing back their real age because they think younger is better, and I'm speaking just for myself here, well any lady below mid twenties, and teenager (eighteen/nineteen) I'm not attracted to Not said condescendingly but I'm attracted to women, not girls Said from a fifty three, almost fifty four year old (emphasis old LOL) man RG I've had someone contact me with the comment that he called me BECAUSE my age was over 40. It is pretty rare, so the ones who do post ages over 29, tend to be fairly busy as many clients are looking for if not over 40, at least over 35. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jolie 3402 Report post Posted March 19, 2015 For me I am 40 and love it,I have reached a certain Peek shall we say in my womanhood that I enjoy and I am comfortable being me. To each their own though and the glamour world hasn't always been kind to over 35 year old women in tabloids so maybe in their way of thinking younger is better. 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roamingguy 300292 Report post Posted March 19, 2015 To each their own though and the glamour world hasn't always been kind to over 35 year old women in tabloids so maybe in their way of thinking younger is better. Well that's the shortcoming and fault of the glamour world and tabloids Last I checked, I'm a real man, not the glamour world or tabloid and I like and am kind to real women :-) Just saying, that's all RG 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest N***he**Ont**y Report post Posted March 19, 2015 I have seen ladies in their 20s and found that their life experience is similar to mine because of certain life situations. I mainly see ladies in there 30s and 40s as their maturity is closer to mine.I have also met some ladies in their fifties that were pretty hot too! I am interested in a real woman and not a early 20s Barbie Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ice4fun 78407 Report post Posted March 19, 2015 This industry is in large part driven by disposable income so it's not unrealistic to think that many of the more active clients are people who are more established financially which in a lot of case is when they are older. As an older guy in my mid fifties who has some degree of financial independence and who enjoys the company of a beautiful sexy intelligent woman I have seen ladies in the age range from 19 to mid 50's and all I can say is I tend to have the best connection with women who are mid thirties and later. I am not saying I have never connected with someone younger just that in general the connection has been better with ladies in their 30's. Now don't get me wrong the younger ladies I have meet have been wonderful... the sex has been great and their bodies have been the thing guy's constantly fantasize about but with the ladies who have had a few more years of life experiences I have just shared a greater connection in addition to the amazing sex. Let's face it... if I am booking for a couple of hours there will be lots of time for other things besides sex and it is that companionship time that often makes the difference for me. Beyond the sex the more mature ladies have generally understood me better.... they had the life experiences that were more in common with me. I will suggest however that these more mature ladies are I think with out exception younger in spirit and outlook then their age might initially suggest and yes they were all extremely sexy. In life as we get older I think we often come to learn to appreciate as sexy things that we might not when we are younger... aging with grace and showing that in how you carry yourself can for me be very attractive. So bottom line I can understand why a lady might choose to market herself to the demographic that she feels she best connects with just like I might select who I choose to meet. As long as the lady who opens the door is genuine to the image she has portrayed in her ads then I don't think I would care that she fibbed about her age. Just my Opinion.... makes sense to me might not to anyone else. Sent from my Passport using Tapatalk 5 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Phaedrus 209522 Report post Posted March 19, 2015 I think it varies quite a bit, depending on what age the lady is (really) and what kind of clients she's after. Full disclosure: the following is nothing more than my own impressions of the industry and may well be absolute crap. First, there seems to be a significant chunk of the market where the demand is for younger ladies. Not for anything illegal, but... young. FortunateOne mentioned earlier that 22 was the magic age that agencies had discovered, and so I think you get a lot of people between 18 and mid- to late-20s advertizing themselves as being in or around this bracket. After that, you get the clients who are more interested in the whole person than just a perky pair of tits, and who tend to go for older ladies, and once they're advertizing to this market I don't think there's much for the ladies to gain or lose by tweaking the age they claim to be. Of course, I'm grossly generalizing here, and there are plenty of exceptions. 6 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gabriella Laurence 301887 Report post Posted March 19, 2015 Not sure how much success you will have with your question... if a lady has chosen to misrepresent her age (btw not something unique to this industry) then it is doubtful that she would out herself here so that everyone knows she is doing so. In my humble opinion age is just a number we all need to just relax about it. I "outed" myself back in 2013 in a similar thread about age and I was not ashamed to admit it. 09-19-2013 Late night confession... When I first started in the industry (about 5 years ago), I made a business decision based on personal preferences; I chose to add a few years to my real age so I would have a better chance at attracting the gentlemen I wanted to spend time with- the older and more mature gentleman. I felt that if I advertised my real age, I might attract a much different crowd. As time went by, I realised that I was aging too fast for my liking (that is in the SP world) and I stopped advertising a specific age all together and only advertise as "mature" or 35+. I also realize now that if the mentality is to automatically add 5 to 10 years to an SP who advertises her age (real or not), I must have been looked upon as an "old" woman at a very young age lol I still believe it was the right choice to make for myself and I don't regret having done so. 5 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrgreen760 37785 Report post Posted March 19, 2015 Should be within a decade I figure, in the "neighborhood" like a double play in baseball is fair. While Dog years or counting every second year is not. Peace MG 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VedaSloan 119179 Report post Posted March 19, 2015 I'm 32. Most people think late 20's. My students (love them) thought I was 25. I prefer older men :) 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andee 220524 Report post Posted March 19, 2015 A wise lady I met years ago told me she always uses her real age, and she looks amazing at 57 (you know who you are). I decided to follow her example when I turned 50 and started using my real age and it has worked in my favour, rather than against me. This year I will be 55 and my oldest client, a 95 year old man, says I'm a "youngin". I can live with that. Not to criticize any mature ladies who advertise younger, but there are definitely more ads for 40-something ladies than 50+. I do chuckle though when I get the odd person asking me "If you're advertising 54, does that mean you're really 60?" 5 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Grass_Hopper 18263 Report post Posted March 19, 2015 I'm not ashamed of my age. I'm definetly a milf, experienced, and probably more mature (in term of age) than most SPs (just a presumption). Gents who are coming to see me are not aiming for the tiny young spinner, but an older lady that will treat you right... 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CristyCurves 169033 Report post Posted March 19, 2015 Isn't there an expression "never ask a lady her age":) Let me quote a "guy" that, when I was running services, said. He called looking for a girl/female/woman, I described who was available, they were all between 20 -29, slim and very attractive. I told him I have girls between 20 & 29.....29 he said, "she needs to be put out to pasture"! I'd get those types of replies multiple times a day. So yes I'd agree with Fortunateone, services did fudge a bit on details, what choice was there! If I described a 23yr old, 5ft5 girl at 120lb, they'd feel that was too big and too old. Yet the girl in front of you, that 23yr old, would be tiny, pretty, very young looking, sweet and available and deserved of an appt. She was never sent away. Many guys have certain illogical images concerning ages, sizes and over all appearances. I've worked with 20's that looked 30's 40 that looked 20's and late 20's that looked 20 and so on. So to me numbers should be irrelevant, as you just can't generalize. Older, younger, youthful, mature, mid age, senior, and so on should suffice. Because if you are to be honest, perceptions change with each decade. 20 is thought to look a particular way, as is 30, 40, 50 and so on and each decade eludes to something as well which isn't always reliable or positive. Now with the internet and pictures it's my feeling that many of us reveal far more than necessary when advertising, but that's just my opinion. It's become so that men seem to think they need to know everything about a companion, right down to the number of moles or freckles on each square inch of her body, every action or thought she makes. We are after all, not proposing marriage, we are spending time with one another. I feel if a man can't decide on whether or not if he wants to see a woman/girl/female from her posts/pictures or website then perhaps she or this hobby isn't for him. Yes, some pictures can mislead but in general most are as they appear so you would think that should suffice. If we are going to be honest, age, in this business does seem to matter, if you are going to listen, believe and read some comments, posts and reco's and reviews. Older isn't as respected overall as some have posted in this thread, generally speaking and younger can for some, be suspect. As far as what others do or say about their own age is their business not mine, it would be catty to remark on. I will say, that if all the men who said they liked mature actually meant chronologically mature, more mature women would post their age. But to most guys, and this is just from my experience, mature means over 25. So to end, I also tell my real age. I tell my age as being mature:) 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest M***ell***A Report post Posted March 19, 2015 I love my age! I'm 35 and proud ;) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jabba 18389 Report post Posted March 19, 2015 I remember seeing several ads on BP from one lady. It seemed that she liked to use different names and ages depending on which city she visited. If memory serves, her age ranged anywhere from 22 - 26yrs. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites