CristyCurves 169033 Report post Posted March 23, 2015 Some may not care, some may not believe others may be on the fence. Some may say it's being anthropomorphic, but is it? Maybe we need to be anthropomorphic to understand the commonalities between species. We do know that animals have and show emotions, we've all seen our own animals/pets react and display emotions and scientific research in evolutionary biology, cognitive ethology and social neuroscience supports this. We also know that elephants have a huge hippocampus, the part of the brain that processes emotions, there are also studies that prove chimps, rats and other animals can laugh like humans, but can they shed tears from sorrow, can they cry? Certainly they can shed tears, but are they from emotions? There are theories, studies and opinions which depict findings to such and that also deny such abilities. But what if it is the case? Would it change your opinion on how you treat them? Would you stop eating them, would you spend more time with them, would you feel more for them? If you saw an animal cry like a human before it was slaughtered, before it was put back in it's cage at the zoo, or put into an aquarium from the wild, would it cause you to react differently than you do now? Would it cause you to care more? 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jolie 3402 Report post Posted March 23, 2015 Well I have seen my dogs eyes water from wind or dust but I have never seen them cry with a emotion behind it,my sweety Moana Lisa has hip issues so if any of them would cry it would be her,she does have sad puppy look down great when she wants something though. I would never eat my dogs so they are safe anyways,sadly I love steak way to much to stop eating cow. I tried the vegetarian root once but I got so sick I gave it up. I feel for any animal even the ones I fear like rats in fact I probably feel more for poor animals if they could cry or not more then I do most humans who can cry. I have probably rambled enough :) 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CristyCurves 169033 Report post Posted March 23, 2015 I too have never witnessed an animal crying tears from sorrow, however I'll believe the studies that claim they do and accept the claims that say they don't. However, I do believe many humans use the differences in emotional display as a reason to categorize themselves as superior beings. 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Victoria Phoenix 3403 Report post Posted March 23, 2015 As an animal lover, and activist, I have NO doubt animals have emotions! And unfortunately I have seen an animal shed a tear, a horse was being whipped with metal chains for over an hour, and one tear ran down his beautiful face, that was enough to impact me for the rest of my life! As for emotions, of course they do, whoever thinks they don't is heartless, in my opinion! They feel pain, loneliness, happiness, just as we do, animals are simply one of life's blessings, and they ALL should be treated as such 7 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
oldblueeyez 15475 Report post Posted March 23, 2015 Don't know if my dog ever cries, but I sure as hell do when I have to clean up his diarrhea. Arggggg! And of course they have emotions; some animals more than others. Maybe dogs have picked up emotions as a result of evolving with the company of humans. I don't like seeing any warm blooded animal suffer, but many of them are a renewable resource to be used by those higher up the food chain. If an animal must be killed it should be as quickly as possible with no forewarning to the animal. My mercy extends to fellow mammals only though; I'll rip apart a live lobster and toss it in the pot no problem. 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Meaghan McLeod 179664 Report post Posted March 23, 2015 Here's a video of a cow crying just before she is scheduled to be slaughtered. Don't worry, it has a happy ending. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tallrichsexy 1546 Report post Posted March 23, 2015 God , this is such a sad thread , I have been feeling terrible for all the animals that are on the brink of starvation due to this terrible weather , soooo sad . Yes animals do cry , seen it and I have lots of them 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CristyCurves 169033 Report post Posted March 23, 2015 God , this is such a sad thread , I have been feeling terrible for all the animals that are on the brink of starvation due to this terrible weather , soooo sad . Yes animals do cry , seen it and I have lots of them Unfortunately not all subjects are happy ones and if something can be learned by discussing something, then why not? It is sad to a point, after all I did mention that some laugh as well:) I know this winter has been brutal for many species and believe me my pocket book is a reflector. I've been feeding many bird species all winter and worrying about all the other animals that can't get food because of the deep snow, everywhere. However, I was told by someone, that deer will congregate and move in such a fashion to trample down deep snows in fields. Whether or not it's true?? But it was said by someone who spends a lot of time in the woods. Regardless, other than humans, mother nature can wipe out her share in brutal ways. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Eva Laperle 7898 Report post Posted March 24, 2015 Talking about dogs... As a dog owner, I have seen too many times, people getting dogs just to show off or for appearance... and unfortunately, lots of people don't take responsibility for their pet's welfare and make sure to provide a safe environment for them to strive. Animals are beings with souls and yes they feel pretty much the same emotions as we do and they cry sometimes... Especially when they are mistreated and left alone. If you don't have time/money or patience, don't get a dog lol (especially a puppy or big dog). It is a long term commitment and investment requiring that one is ready and willing to invest time, money, patience and love. For the other animals in nature...I sometime wonder if mother nature, intended this "natural selection" to keep some time of balance ? Anyways, it always breaks my heart to see this. And props to compassionate people that always try to help the best they can. :) 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PatrickGC 10792 Report post Posted March 24, 2015 We may also consider this from another viewpoint. Do animals possess the emotions we lack or don't have access to? Often human beings see themselves at the top of the evolutionary ladder. Yet when you take any singular moment in your day there is so much what we are unaware of that I often find it mind-boggling. It is not too much of a stretch then, to consider that there might be emotional experiences literally outside of our comprehension. Many animals and indeed some brain injured people live in such vastly different worlds that they would have to have additional emotional states more in line with their reality. The most accessible example of this is someone who feels uncontrollable rage, and I only picked this example because in our culture negative traits are often more visible. But the converse could equally be true, and not just with human beings. At the end of the day we may yet find that, as a species, we have only been nibbling on one corner of a much larger emotional pie. PatrickGC 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
oldblueeyez 15475 Report post Posted March 24, 2015 Got shit or puke dried on the floor from last night? Sprinkle baking soda over it then vigorously mop up with pure vinegar. The baking soda is mildly abrasive and deodorizes while the vinegar kills gram negative bacteria, not like I know what the fuck gram negative bacteria is. :P Baking soda also makes a good dry bath for when the old boy's startin' to smell a bit dog funky. Thank God for the Dollar Store! 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tallrichsexy 1546 Report post Posted March 24, 2015 Lol ; Good point , I have four dogs , amazingly they always know what kind of day you had , dog scratches and kisses are very therapeutic after a bad day !!! 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CristyCurves 169033 Report post Posted March 24, 2015 :P Baking soda also makes a good dry bath for when the old boy's startin' to smell a bit dog funky. Thank God for the Dollar Store! Every dog should be properly bathed with a mild dog shampoo, how often depends on the dog and it's activities. Their teeth should also be brushed regularly, it's not normal for a dogs breathe to reek. If it does there's to much tarter and bacteria in the mouth. This can be a serious health concern as that bacteria can travel quickly to other internal organs quickly. Never use human toothpaste, it must be a toothpaste made specifically for dogs. Your dogs will appreciate the grooming, they like to be clean too:) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PatrickGC 10792 Report post Posted March 29, 2015 This is wonderful! This is the definitive answer as to whether or not animals have to emotional awareness. As an added bonus, this is guaranteed to make you smile :} Enjoy! This link will take you to YouTube: PatrickGC 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites