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Longing to travel, but don't want to go alone?

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Guest S****r


Have you put off travelling because you just don't want to go alone?

Maybe your spouse or partner with whom you used to travel has passed away,

or maybe you and your spouse have divorced and you would like to

take a trip to get a new perspective on life.

If, for whatever reason, you have stopped travelling because it just wouldn't be fun alone,

consider hiring me as your personal travel companion!


I am fun to be with,

have a sense of adventure,

don't stress out over delays and changes in plans,

easy on the eyes,

a delight to have on your arm,

a great conversationalist,

an entertaining stoyteller,

and sexy to boot.


I have accompanied a client on more than one occasion

and have ensured that both of us have had a good time.

Reference available upon request.

A recent review of such a trip can be seen at http://www.sensuoussummer.com/#!recommedations/c145i


My rate is very reasonable and affordable.

I will be available to travel during June, July and part of August.

That gives us April and May to meet, get acquainted and comfortable with each other and to plan an itinerary.


Don't put off your travel desire any longer.

Take it out, dust it off, and re-ignite that sense of adventure.

It all starts with a simple email introducing yourself.



Go ahead!

You know you want to!

I want you to, too.




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