Guest M***ell***A Report post Posted March 30, 2015 I know similar questions have been asked in the past but if my memory serves me correctly (and it seldom does!) they were all somewhat specific questions whereas I am curious in a general way on a broad scale. I wonder how much a change in a lady's appearance affects your decision to see her again? I am asking about a lady you have seen more than once already and the change can be as mild as a different hair colour or new tat/piercing to things as dramatic as plastic surgery (breasts being the biggest one I can think of since there has always been much debate about man-mades vs. natural). I know that most gents repeat for a variety of reasons. From what I gather chemistry and attitude/personality are more important than a specific look but let's not fool ourselves, physical attraction does play a role. So any and all opinions welcome and please elaborate as much as possible! Like what is the line for you on changes, how much is ok with you before you lose physical attraction? Does it depend most on the individual lady and your existing chemistry? Is your type your type and that's that, no changes at all please? Thanks! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CristyCurves 169033 Report post Posted March 30, 2015 I've been here since may 2011 and my weight has fluctuated up and down 20 lbs or so and I have clients that keep coming and never mention anything. Most don't appear to notice. I will say though, I did lose a boyfriend over my decision to do my breast augmentation. He said he would leave if I changed them and he did. So I benefitted doubly when I did my boobs, lol. I went from a C to a D and lost an ass;) I think most men when they find someone they like are fine with some changes, most aren't that shallow. At least the ones I've met. 6 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Katherine of Halifax 113933 Report post Posted March 30, 2015 If men notice they really don't say to much which is wonderful and a sure sigh its not all about a certain look. I have done extreme changes like go form blond hair to green hair, although that was noticed it didn't seem to matter either. I thank my good regular guests who accept my weight, hair and boobies. :icon_smile::icon_smile: 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roamingguy 300292 Report post Posted March 30, 2015 How can someone who is a FB BBM ever judge a lady's appearance or appearance change. I'll grant you, when it comes to initial contact, a lady's photos play a part, as do her posts, website, board profile and emails But once we've met, it's her inner beauty, our chemistry/connection that plays a much bigger part in my continuing to see her And although I have yet to experience it, should something happen to change a lady's appearance, I would continue to see her...her inner beauty and our chemistry/connection have, well for lack of a better word, smitten (in a client/companion sense of the word, no not falling in love here LOL) me A rambling for what it's worth RG 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
misterdiscretion2014 2032 Report post Posted March 30, 2015 I think it's highly dependent on how much of a factor the sp's appearance played into one's original decision to see them, and subsequently, the decision to continue seeing them. If you spend time with someone solely based on their looks, I cannot imagine you'd continue to see them after they had changed significantly. That said, I would think that most hobbyists who choose to see the same woman on an ongoing basis are doing so for reasons beyond just the physical. I do prefer a pretty woman (why lie?), but if she has transitioned from young and pretty to mature and pretty, that's not a big deal to me, as generally, I think pretty is pretty, regardless of age, and if a woman has aged 10 years, so have I! *laughs* 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ice4fun 78407 Report post Posted March 30, 2015 For me personally if I have connected with the lady I doubt changes in her personal appearance would have any impact on my willingness to see her again.... I don't think I am that physically fixated and would be more concern if our personal connection changed. Just my Opinion Sent from my Passport using Tapatalk 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Triple HHH 12345 Report post Posted March 30, 2015 I am a man so yes I have visited ladies because of their pictures, I have also visited ladies who intrigued me with how they presented themselves here on Lyla with their pictures plus well thought out Ads. The ones I will be visiting in the future are the ones who I have made what I feel is a great Connection, Chemistry with in and out of the bedroom. So with these Ladies it would not matter with me if they got bigger, smaller, different hair colour of style or even a new Tattoo or whatever she changes in her appearance I will continue to repeat, unfortunately not as much as I would like. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nicolette Vaughn 294340 Report post Posted March 30, 2015 I was told by a few clients that I if I lost a significant amount of weight, they wouldn't want to see me anymore. They like me bigger and there are quite a few who feel this way. If I lose clients because I lose weight, oh well. I'm sure there would a few more wanting to see me. It's all relative to me. However at the end of the day, I'm stubborn so as I do as I please. I'm in no rush to be super thin. I don't look right with a drawn in face with my high cheekbones and a tiny elphen like body. lol. I didn't feel as pretty being very thin as I do with a fuller face and larger natural breasts. I like my womanly figure but imo bony looks terrible on me. I once hit a guy with my sharp hip bone when he brushed up against me. It was then I knew I had gone too far. Some guys like that but it's just not for me and if it was, I would have been thinner again a long time ago. I won't change for anyone but myself. Sometimes a person just has to do what is right for them and screw what anyone else says or thinks even if it's a client. No offense esp when it's your own body and no one has final approval but that person who may or may not want to make changes. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest M***ell***A Report post Posted March 30, 2015 I never found that weight fluctuations affected my regular clientele. I guess I already knew that smaller changes (or at least what I consider to be minor changes) like hair colour or weight fluctuations would not change things. I suppose I'm mostly interested in the more major changes such as breasts augmentation surgery or other major cosmetic surgeries that would drastically change a lady's appearance... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Amber Rose 19012 Report post Posted March 30, 2015 This is a good question, and I'm glad it's been brought up! I've always marketed myself as curvy, voluptuous, and most importantly, a redhead. But lately I've been tired of the red and considering changing colours to something else just as dramatic, but I'm afraid it might make me lose potential clients, since I wouldn't be able to advertise as a redhead anymore. I think if the men have met us, and there is good chemistry and connection, a bit of change here and there won't make them stop seeing us, but some men may be more specific in the reasons they see a lady and the changes could make them seek someone else. Then again, as they say the men like variety, and certain changes could make it feel like they're with a whole new gal while still enjoying the chemistry with the same one! ;) Posted via Mobile Device 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest **cely***r***ne Report post Posted March 31, 2015 Yes I wondered this too! I want boobs. Big bouncy luscious boobs. Going from Itty bitty to a large c is a big step and will definitely make me look different! But I want it so badly! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Triple HHH 12345 Report post Posted March 31, 2015 Yes I wondered this too!I want boobs. Big bouncy luscious boobs. Going from Itty bitty to a large c is a big step and will definitely make me look different! But I want it so badly! Why mess with perfection!!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest M***ell***A Report post Posted March 31, 2015 I don't mean to focus on boob jobs so much as just a range of changes from subtle to drastic and where is the line in terms of what is still attractive. How far can it go from what initially attracted you in the first place? Strictly speaking on a physical level. I know and very much appreciate that there are many other factors that can go into who you may choose to spend time with but there's nothing wrong with having a type that you like! And just for the record I'm not talking about myself getting major changes. Sometimes I'm just curious. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VedaSloan 119179 Report post Posted March 31, 2015 I've been in this biz for eight years now and there have definitely been small changes over the years--mainly my hairstyle. I started out with a short pixie style cut and over the years I've grown it out quite long, but only on one side-the other side is shaved. For a a little while it was purple as well. My regulars kept coming back--I don't think they were seeing me based on my hairstyle anyway. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Eric Northman 16522 Report post Posted March 31, 2015 Appearance is only the entry point for me. That which makes me decide to see you in the first place. If I'm coming back, it's because you have something special going on besides your looks. Let's face it, there are many beautiful ladies available. Unless there's some undefinable chemistry, comfort or rapport with a lady, there would be no real reason to repeat in most cases. So my theory would be the following: Changing your appearance or presentation would be quite likely to change the clientele who initially contact you but much less likely to dissuade regulars from returning. The short answer is do whatever makes you feel beautiful. Women are much sexier when they feel sexy. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Luckyme 41401 Report post Posted March 31, 2015 For me personally, if I haven't seen a lady before, I will most likely not notice any changes when I see her for the first time. I am talking about comparing her previous photos and seeing her in person. As far as regulars are concerned, I like the way they look now, which is partially why I repeatedly go back to see them. Small changes like hair color, length of hair, hair style etc are not critical - so I won't mind as much. But a boob augmentation, a nose, a lip or tongue ring, or big tattoos (covering a big part of her body) will probably change their look in a drastic way and will likely make me feel uncomfortable. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ice4fun 78407 Report post Posted March 31, 2015 Undoubtedly physical attraction will play a significant part in my initial decision to book with a lady but any follow up bookings are most likely based as much on the sexual compatibility with the lady and the chemistry we experienced in that initial meeting so I don't think changes in physical appearance would play that heavily in that decision process. In regards to ladies that I may have developed a more regular or frequent arrangement with I don't think changes in her physical appearance would be of any consideration... in that type of arrangement I am pretty sure it would be the connection with that lady that would be the most significant factor... obviously if a more regular arrangement was in place there would be amazing sexual compatibility... but to be frank good sex is not that hard to find... connection with an amazing person is and that type of connection is not just a physical thing in my opinion. Just my Opinion Sent from my Passport using Tapatalk Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Philander39 3705 Report post Posted March 31, 2015 Appearance is usually one of the reasons you first see a specific SP but in all likelihood if someone is repeating seeing the same SP there is other reasons. I have seen SPs who over time have added more and more tattoos or have a different hair style or colour every time I see me. There have even been a few where there was changes in weight - nothing too extreme may be 10 to 20 lbs. At no point did I think I should not see this person anymore. I visit them because of their personalities, the way they treated me and there services. Of course, there might be some deal-breakers for some clients but I`m guessing that would be a very small portion of the population. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Meaghan McLeod 179664 Report post Posted April 1, 2015 When I first started, my weight was around 155 and I had a natural kitty. Over time, my weight went to 125 pounds and I shaved kitty. My weight is now at 135 pounds and kitty is still bald. Some stayed, some left and I've met new guys. So, if you stay in this business for a while, there are bound to be changes in your appearance. I think it's chemistry and not appearance that makes the difference. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Phaedrus 209522 Report post Posted April 1, 2015 For me, one of the attractions of this is that I can see a variety of people. Older or younger, taller or shorter, tattooed or not, boobies as decreed by nature or constructed by a surgeon, blonde or brunette or redhead... it's all good. The one thing that I really want is someone that I get on with and like spending time with. And so when someone who I already like does something a bit different... what's not to like? 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nicolette Vaughn 294340 Report post Posted April 5, 2015 If it is breast augmentation, some men prefer natural and others won't mind if you've had them augmented. However, there are a few clients out there who don't like them at all. At the end of the day, do what is right for you. If you want to do that type of surgery, how you will feel about yourself after the fact is the most important. I had rhinoplasty 10 years ago and it changed the look of my face and gave it a softer look and better profile which I really like. I did it for myself and was thrilled with the results. Those around me knew there was something different but the surgeon did a very good job because it wasn't that noticeable to anyone else. They all thought I had changed my hair color, etc. If you are happy, everyone else will follow. :) 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andee 220524 Report post Posted April 5, 2015 I have gone up and down 20-30 lbs for the past 10 years, and depending on where I am at, I am conscious about posting pics that depict where I am at. I admit I am such a procrastinator when it comes to pics, because I am always thinking I'll wait until I lose some more weight. I managed to lose 20 pounds 2 years ago, but it has crept back on. When I changed my hair from dark brown to light brown the first time, I had clients who said they liked it better but most never noticed. I was surprised that it was mostly other ladies who said I look better with darker brown, but I am almost 55 and I wanted a softer look. This time I added highlights and I am happy with it. Speaking of drastic changes in appearance, I know a lady who lost a considerable amount of weight (and has kept it off) who went from voluptuous to curvy and petite. When she rebranded herself, she actually lost some clients who found her "too thin" or "not busty enough anymore". Luckily most of her clients did not really care which is good news that if someone really likes us, they like us for us, not what size we are. Then of course there were those guys who never booked her when she was bigger who were now falling all over themselves to see her. So you can't win for losing (no pun intended). 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites