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What should you do if you happen to come across an SP you know in public. Say hello? Pretend you didn't see them? What would they prefer?

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Guest O****B*W_L**n

If I was alone, a "hello" would be ok.... if I was with people, a smile would be fine... but not more than that.... it would be a little hard to explain who you were to my friends, family, etc....



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I'd rather the person pretend not to know me just in case I'm with someone, or have someone near by, and I don't want to have to explain how I know you. Discretion is best.

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What if the SP outs YOU??


This actually happened to me a few years ago. I went into my local coffee shop to get a cup of java. The lady behind the counter says "How are you doing?" I reply I'm doing fine and place my order. Then she gives me a big smile, puts her elbows on the counter and leans forward, then asks me the same question again.


At this point, I'm looking at her a bit odd. She says "you don't remember me, do you?" I reply, uh, no, not really... Then she gives me a knowing look and says, "Oh, yeah - I've seen you before..."


At this point, I'm dumbfounded, so when she returns with my coffee I say, excuse me, but where do I know you from?, at which point she replies: "At your place, only I wasn't wearing a uniform!" So, it finally dawns on me, and we engage in small talk for a bit before I leave.


The truth is, I can't believe how brazen she was. I mean, what if I would have been with someone? Thank God I was alone! :roll:

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I've ran into several clients in public, including a few clients with their SO's. I know this has offended a few solo clients in the past: "Hey Megan, I ran into you on the street today but you didn't stop to say hi, why not??" I'm sure the coupled clients appreciate my no-contact-in-public rule.

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There are different schools of thought on this - some will be upset if they are approached, others will be upset if they are not. At the end of the day, discretion is the better part of valor.


See other input from this thread the lovely Ava Jones started a while back.



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Yep. better to play it safe than sorry. A PM later to say "I saw you and you looked hot" would be a lot safer for both sides.

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Well apparently this topic makes many curious as it has been brought up on a thread more than once




I agree with Megan on the no contact in public rule as even if at the moment when I see the person he may appear to be alone but then someone may join him and even when is not impossible for us to have met under different circumstances and tell this to his companion it will still be awkward, so even when some people has nothing to worry about you never know if the other person does.


Bottom line I would never approach a client in public just to be safe and out of respect to him and the person with him (if that's the case)

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There are different schools of thought on this - some will be upset if they are approached, others will be upset if they are not. At the end of the day, discretion is the better part of valor.


See other input from this thread the lovely Ava Jones started a while back.




yeaa i knew this topic was discussed before. Just couldnt find the former thread about it.

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I agree, I would PM later explaining I was not being rude but found inappropriate to say hello.


Yep. better to play it safe than sorry. A PM later to say "I saw you and you looked hot" would be a lot safer for both sides.

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So, it finally dawns on me, and we engage in small talk for a bit before I leave.


The truth is, I can't believe how brazen she was. I mean, what if I would have been with someone? Thank God I was alone! :roll:



Shame on you for not remembering her! You deserve more than just being outed for such behaviour! ALWAYS remember your lady friends! :)

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Discretion is always the best approach.....you never know who is nearby and within ear shot of a conversation.


As I said in an earlier thread, I did run into an SP I had seen a few times, a quick glance and a polite smile was all that we both gave.....


An email later on, acknowledged the chance meeting, and both of us were grateful that we continued to walk by without stopping or acknowledging each other.......


Better be safe than sorry.......protect our 'Secret Society' and the privacy of both parties.....



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Shame on you for not remembering her! You deserve more than just being outed for such behaviour! ALWAYS remember your lady friends! :)


I know... you're absolutely right. That's why the whole thing was pretty embarrassing for me. The thing is, most times I never forget a face, which is why I was so shocked that I couldn't remember her. If she hadn't said anything, I would never have known. I guess over the years, everyone I've seen ran together into a big blur. Granted, there are some ladies who I'll never forget. Unfortunately, she wasn't one of them.

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Discretion is always the best approach.....you never know who is nearby and within ear shot of a conversation.


As I said in an earlier thread, I did run into an SP I had seen a few times, a quick glance and a polite smile was all that we both gave.....


An email later on, acknowledged the chance meeting, and both of us were grateful that we continued to walk by without stopping or acknowledging each other.......


Better be safe than sorry.......protect our 'Secret Society' and the privacy of both parties.....





I think this is perfect. Say nothing at the time; acknowledge it later. That way you both know that it was the best thing to do.


Having said that, I know that if I am going into a place, and anyone at all is coming out, I will smile and say hello or thx or whatever at the time. That is just years of working retail does to you I think lol. Auto response. If that happened to be a client, who knows what they might think or respond? Hopefully a nod and carry on.


I was Xmas shopping at a mall I don't normally go to, helping a friend actually. But, not being a shopper, I was sitting on a bench totally tired. Happened to see an sp I had an online relationship with, nice girl on a break at the time, out with her SO shopping as well. I let it go, rather than run up to her, call her by her sp name (in front of her SO), and with the possibility of my friend overhearing too. later I just pmed to her, and she said, oh you should have said hi. Well, next time we know lol, but at that time, it was far better not to, pm later, and play it safe.

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There is a guy I only saw once but I see him every morning at a local coffee shop. Except he hasn't seen me because I'm always driving in my car.


Another time i saw a regular of mine with his wife parked next to me at the Canadian Tire. I was ready to get out of my car when I saw him but let him drive away first. He never saw me because I have tinted windows.


I haven't really run into anyone except for me seeing them from afar. Usually I just go in the other direction.


I know many guys are paranoid about their hobbying activities but what bothers me is that most clients think we are going to run up to them and have a conversation in front of their wife or girlfriend. So I ask, why in the hell would I do that? LOL. I have a life too and especially if I'm with someone, I don't want to have to explain. I guess it goes both ways.


Usually I don't want to run into anyone and I have often found that many clients don't even notice me if I see them in a public place because half the time I am dressed down with no makeup or in a hat with sunglasses out running my errands. As many clients don't want their hobbying to enter their personal lives, I too don't want to be seen or bothered during my off time.lol.

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Guest b**g**_1*

Chances are I would not do anything, especially if she or I was with other people.


But, I would hope she would have a sense of improv, so I could come up to her and say something like "Hey, didn't I see you on the bus yesterday? How's your head?" You know, as if I had hit her head with my briefcase or something. Somehow I don't think that would work.

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For sure This is a common part of life, If alone then a simple hello is ok. BUT if I were with someone or they were then a small smile should do until you have a chance to send a PM back or when you see them again in private, "Hey hun great to see you last week " LOL to funny !!!!


Also it could get very uncomfortable so best to play it COOL

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Guest f***2f***

Ran into a lady one time on the patio of the Black Sheep in Wakefield. I was on my motorbike with an old friend, a lady who was neither my SO or a date. The lady was with a gent and arrived on another bike. We both ignored each other. I pmed her later to thank her and she was also appreciative. Too much splaining to do!!

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For sure This is a common part of life, If alone then a simple hello is ok. BUT if I were with someone or they were then a small smile should do until you have a chance to send a PM back or when you see them again in private, "Hey hun great to see you last week " LOL to funny !!!!


Also it could get very uncomfortable so best to play it COOL

I agree. It has happened to me and I treat it as if you're in a store and someone gives you a friendly hello nod or smile and that's that. Until we meet again and laugh about it or email.

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