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Well, I finally had the chance to see how I would react! This weekend I was sitting on the patio of a bar near my house and a client walked right past me and went into the bar. I kinda thought, great, he didn't recognize me. I needed a drink and the waitress was no where to be found, so I put my sunglasses on and went into the bar to order my drink. He was sitting not 3 feet away with his eyes glued to the soccer game and never even noticed me :)

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He was sitting not 3 feet away with his eyes glued to the soccer game and never even noticed me :)


That's interesting.


I've had a hard time rememering some of SPs' faces. Normally I'm good at memorize people's faces. SPs, not so much. Maybe I dived into the ladies too quickly. ;)

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What should you do if you happen to come across an SP you know in public. Say hello? Pretend you didn't see them? What would they prefer?

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I used to know a large number of SP dancers and it happened several times that I came across them in the shopping malls. If they were with someone, unless I saw a clear sign, I ignore and pretent that I did not see or recognize them and if by herself, then if I got a sign (like a smile), then I just said hi, may be how are you and kept walking. Only in one occasion I stopped and talked (actually she stopped) and went for ice cream, but I knew her very very well lol.


I learned my lesson when I was at a strip bar about 10 years ago (I was just out of graduate school myself and was teaching at a U for a year) and was sitting and enjoying my night off work when I noticed a bunch of young (my) students (likely drunk) laughing loud and pointing their fingers at me!!!!. It ruined my entire weekend lol (and ever since had a hard time controlling the class as likely word spread around). I learn that NEVER disturb anyone while she/he is enjoying her time off work lol.

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