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Virgin - reposting to general

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Guest b***b**m

I hope I don't get banned for this, but this is the honest truth. Also if there is a location more appropriate for this post please move it there.


I am 22 and I am a virgin. I have recently considered getting an escort, just to lose my virginity. I often come off as childish and naive, which makes the escort a bit antsy, maybe something they aren't used to seeing in their day to day encounters.


I frequent strip clubs my job and salary all me to indulge myself, but lately as you can understand I have been wanting more and more. I have had girlfriends in the past, very beautiful and intelligent women but never could get myself to look past my vow in sorts to stay a virgin till I am married.


Now having said that, why would i want an escort if I have had such amazing women in my life. I can only blame curiosity and exotic women on here.


I would like to know what peoples thoughts are honestly on the topic, because you only live once and decision of this nature cannot be undone.


Also maybe recommend some women that are gentle with newbies :P


I hope this will spark a decent discussion. I dont by any means mean to offend or but rude to anyone on here. This has been troubling me for the past couple of months please whatever feedback you can give me would be appreciated greatly!


/bababoom :pimp:

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Guest W***ledi*Time
... I often come off as childish and naive, which makes the escort a bit antsy, maybe something they aren't used to seeing in their day to day encounters....

I would like to know what peoples thoughts are honestly on the topic, because you only live once and decision of this nature cannot be undone....


bababoom, my own first experience was with an escort, and I have nothing but the fondest of memories.


My 2-cents would be: Best to pursue an escort who has collected a bunch of good recommendations. I think I'd be safe in saying that it doesn't take very long for an escort in this business to have seen it all (and then some!), so a number of good recommendations for any particular escort would (statistically speaking) be a tip-off that she has the gift of pleasing clients of all shapes, sizes, personalities and situations. (You think you have quirks? She'll no doubt point out that you don't know from quirks!)


Of course interpersonal chemistry makes a difference, so if you also take some time to get to know some of the ladies here, that can help even more in increasing your chances of finding a good match.


Escorts are definitely people persons, and do seem to really enjoy their clients on a fundamental human level, not just the "services" aspect. They're in this with you. They're cheering for you and beside you. You: bring honesty and a positive attitude. They: rock your world!

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There are a lot of 'first's' in life that you often look back upon....... for me.....


First love.

First woman I was with intimately.

First child being born.

First Time I flew solo in a plane.

First full time "paying" job

First House.

First time flying with paying customer's.

FIrst time with an SP

First time in the ocean, and the power of the waves.....


All these things I look back fondly upon, and are all very memorable.....and are all part of my life history now.....


While I truly enjoy this hobby, I personally would wait to find a GF that I have a chance to spend a life time with......and that would be my first choice.....


Having said that, ultimately, make sure, that you are comfortable with your decision........and if you still want to be with an SP, then you can scan this board for some of the most wonderful ladies you can meet that partake in this hobby......let them know your situation, and you will be well taken care of.



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Having good chemistry with a lady is very important. In my opinion it's what ultimately makes (or breaks) a play date. There are no shortage of gorgeous, well-reviewed ladies on Cerb for you to delight in. My advice is to do the following things in the following order:

Check the photos and make a list of ladies you like.

Then read the reviews of those ladies - narrowing the list.

Next, find posts by the ladies - about anything. It will give you a decent idea of what their personality, thoughts, values, etc., are. Narrow the list further.

Then just go with your instincts.

Posted via Mobile Device

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